Agri-Food and Biosciences Institute
Antrim and Newtownabbey Borough Council
Arc21 Joint Committee
Ards and North Down Borough Council
Armagh City, Banbridge and Craigavon Borough Council
Arts Council of Northern Ireland
Belfast City Council
Belfast Health and Social Care Trust
Belfast Metropolitan College
Business Services Organisation
Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council
Charity Commission for Northern Ireland
Comhairle na GaelscolaĂochta
Commission for Victims and Survivors for Northern Ireland
Commissioner for Children and Young People for Northern Ireland
Commissioner for Older People for Northern Ireland
Construction Industry Training Board
Council for Catholic Maintained Schools
Criminal Justice Inspection Northern Ireland
Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs
Department for Communities
Department for the Economy
Department of Education
Department of Finance
Department of Health
Department for Infrastructure
Department of Justice
Derry City and Strabane District Council
Driver and Vehicle Agency
Education Authority
Equality Commission for Northern Ireland
Fermanagh and Omagh District Council
General Consumer Council for Northern Ireland
General Teaching Council for Northern Ireland
Governors of the Armagh Observatory and Planetarium
Health and Safety Executive for Northern Ireland
Health and Social Care Regulation and Quality Improvement Authority
Ilex Urban Regeneration Company Limited
Invest Northern Ireland
Labour Relations Agency
Lisburn and Castlereagh City Council
Livestock and Meat Commission for Northern Ireland
Local Government Staff Commission for Northern Ireland
Maze/Long Kesh Development Corporation
Mid and East Antrim Borough Council
Mid Ulster District Council
National Museums and Galleries of Northern Ireland
Newry, Mourne and Down District Council
Northern Health and Social Care Trust
Northern Ireland Ambulance Service Health and Social Care Trust
Northern Ireland Authority for Utility Regulation
Northern Ireland Blood Transfusion Service (Special Agency)
Northern Ireland Community Relations Council
Northern Ireland Council for the Curriculum, Examinations and Assessment
Northern Ireland Council for Integrated Education
Northern Ireland Events Company Limited
Northern Ireland Fire and Rescue Service
Northern Ireland Fishery Harbour Authority
Northern Ireland Guardian ad Litem Agency
Northern Ireland Housing Executive
Northern Ireland Judicial Appointments Commission
Northern Ireland Library Authority
Northern Ireland Local Government Officers’ Superannuation Committee
Northern Ireland Medical and Dental Training Agency
Northern Ireland Museums Council
Northern Ireland Police Fund
Northern Ireland Policing Board
Northern Ireland Practice and Education Council for Nursing and Midwifery
Northern Ireland Screen Commission
Northern Ireland Social Care Council
Northern Ireland Tourist Board
Northern Ireland Transport Holding Company
Northern Ireland Water Limited
Northern Regional College
North West Regional College
North West Regional Waste Management Group
Patient and Client Council
Police Ombudsman for Northern Ireland
Police Rehabilitation and Retraining Trust
Police Service of Northern Ireland
Probation Board for Northern Ireland
Public Prosecution Service for Northern Ireland
Royal Ulster Constabulary George Cross Foundation
South Eastern Health and Social Care Trust
South Eastern Regional College
Southern Health and Social Care Trust
Southern Regional College
South West College
Sports Council for Northern Ireland
Stranmillis University College
Strategic Investment Board Limited
The Executive Office
Ulster Supported Employment Limited
Victims and Survivors Service Limited
Western Health and Social Care Trust
Youth Council for Northern Ireland