PART 3Assistance and co-operation under Title IV and recovery of expenses incurred

Facilitating assistance and co-operation

6.—(1) For the purposes of assisting a competent authority of a member State as provided for in Article 104, or enabling the Department to do so, an authorised person exercising powers to enter premises under regulation 9 or 10 or to inspect documents under regulation 12(1)(g) may—

(a)be accompanied by an authorised officers of the competent authority of the member State;

(b)show the authorised officer any documents inspected by the authorised person;

(c)make copies, or require copies to be made by the operator, for that authorised officer.

(2) For the purposes of facilitating a visit by an inspection team as provided for in Article 108, an authorised person exercising powers to enter premises under regulation 9 or 10 or to inspect documents under regulation 12(1)(g) may—

(a)be accompanied by a representative of the EU Commission;

(b)show the representative any documents inspected by the authorised person;

(c)make copies, or require copies to be made by the operator, for the representative.

(3) An operator, or the person in charge of the operator’s premises may be required to provide an authorised person with such assistance, information or facilities as the authorised person may reasonably require for the purpose of the enforcement of these Regulations or the Official Controls Regulation.