(This note is not part of the Regulations)

These Regulations provide for a scheme of financial support (the Scheme) in the form of grants to the sea fishing industry to address financial difficulties as a result of the global Coronavirus pandemic. The grants are to assist with the fixed costs of Northern Ireland fishing boats that deploy static fishing gear to catch crustaceans or molluscs.

The Scheme is introduced in regulation 2 and is set out in the Schedule.

Articles 3 and 4 of the Schedule define an eligible person and eligible Northern Ireland fishing boat for the purposes of the Scheme. An eligible Northern Ireland fishing boat must, among other things, be insured for commercial sea fishing purposes, conduct most of their fishing activity using static fishing gear, land the majority of its catch into UK ports, and have declared landings in 2019 valued at more than £10,000.

Article 5 of the Schedule provides that the Department may award a grant to an eligible person for the qualifying period and only where it complies with the Commission Communication and Commission Decision which approved amendments to the Temporary Framework for State aid measures in the United Kingdom to support the economy in the current COVID-19 outbreak.

Article 6 of the Schedule provides for the calculation of the grant, and the maximum amount payable in respect of an eligible fishing boat.

Article 7 of the Schedule provides for a review of the decision by the Department to reject an application.

Article 8 of the Schedule provides for the withholding and recovery of grant in certain circumstances.