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Your search for English language Northern Ireland Statutory Rules and Orders from 1950 with a subject starting with T has returned 7 results.

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TitleYears and NumbersLegislation type

The Federated Superannuation System for Universities (temporary Service and War Service) Regulations 1950

The Federated Superannuation System for Universities (Temporary Service and War Service) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 19501950 No. 175Northern Ireland Statutory Rules and Orders

Tobacco Wages Council

The Tobacco Wages Council (Constitution) Order (Northern Ireland) 19501950 No. 228Northern Ireland Statutory Rules and Orders

Training Colleges : Salaries and Allowances Amending Regulations 1950

The Training College Teachers' (Salaries and Allowances) Amendment Regulations (Northern Ireland) 19501950 No. 188Northern Ireland Statutory Rules and Orders

Training Schools

The Children and Young Persons (Record of Information) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 19501950 No. 57Northern Ireland Statutory Rules and Orders
The Training Schools (Contributions by Local Authorities) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 19501950 No. 140Northern Ireland Statutory Rules and Orders


The Superannuation (War Service) Order (Northern Ireland) 19501950 No. 70Northern Ireland Statutory Rules and Orders


The Belfast and County Down Railway Company (Winding up) Order (Northern Ireland) 19501950 No. 207Northern Ireland Statutory Rules and Orders

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