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Your search for English language Primary Legislation from 1845 has returned 96 results.

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Thomas Sampson's estate: enabling sales of estates devised by his will in Evercreech, East Pennard, Bruton and other parishes (Somerset) Act 18451845 c. 30UK Private and Personal Acts
Francis, Duke of Bridgewater's estate: enabling the trustees of his will to execute an agreement with Lord Francis Egerton, and other provisions Act 18451845 c. 29UK Private and Personal Acts
John and Anna Maria Severne's and others' estates: partition of estates in Worcestershire, Salop., Warwickshire, Oxfordshire and Leicestershire Act 18451845 c. 28UK Private and Personal Acts
Birmingham Blue Coat Charity School's estate: vesting estates in new trustees upon consolidated trusts and providing for the management of the estates and school, and other provisions Act 18451845 c. 27UK Private and Personal Acts
Earl of Strathmore's estate: authorizing sales and purchases and extending the power to grant mining leases, and other provisions Act 18451845 c. 26UK Private and Personal Acts
John Fletcher's will: reviving and extending powers to let, sell and exchange and authorizing the appointment of new trustees, and other provisions Act 18451845 c. 25UK Private and Personal Acts
Thomas Molyneux's (a bankrupt) estate: enabling the assignees to sell his estate discharged from a jointure, portions and legacies Act 18451845 c. 24UK Private and Personal Acts
Sir Robert Dick: enabling him to feu and sell parts of the estates of Prestonfield and Corstorphine (Mid Lothian) and to bear the name and arms of Cunyngham of Lamburghtoun along with the name and arms of Dick of Prestonfield Act 18451845 c. 23UK Private and Personal Acts
William Robinson's estate: enabling the trustees of his will to raise money by mortgage Act 18451845 c. 22UK Private and Personal Acts
Sir Thomas Coxhead's estate: vesting property devised by his will in trustees to be sold and demised Act 18451845 c. 21UK Private and Personal Acts
Railways Clauses Consolidation Act 18451845 c. 20UK Public General Acts
Winchester College estate: sale of estates in the Isle of Wight, and purchase of other estates in lieu Act 18451845 c. 20UK Private and Personal Acts
Lands Clauses Consolidation (Scotland) Act 18451845 c. 19UK Public General Acts
Rochdale glebe lands: amending an Act of 1764 [c. 28] (enabling vicar to grant leases) Act 18451845 c. 19UK Private and Personal Acts
Land Clauses Consolidation Act 18451845 c. 18UK Public General Acts
Richard Ellison's estate: enabling grant of leases of the Fossdyke Navigation (Lincolnshire), and other provisions Act 18451845 c. 18UK Private and Personal Acts
Companies Clauses Consolidation (Scotland) Act 18451845 c. 17UK Public General Acts
Sir Thomas White's charity estates (Coventry) : enabling the trustees to sell parts, and other provisions Act 18451845 c. 17UK Private and Personal Acts
Companies Clauses Consolidation Act 18451845 c. 16UK Public General Acts
Francis and John Gildart's estate: vesting estates devised by their wills in trustees for sale Act 18451845 c. 16UK Private and Personal Acts

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