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Your search for English language Primary Legislation from 1847 has returned more than 200 results.

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Colchester, Stour Valley, Sudbury and Halstead Railway Lease Act 18471847 c. xxiUK Local Acts
Newmarket and Chesterford (Thetford Extension Railway) Act 18471847 c. xxUK Local Acts
Eastern Union and Hadleigh Junction Railway Sale Act 18471847 c. xixUK Local Acts
Colchester, Stour Valley, Sudbury and Halstead Railway (Extension) (Railway from Lavenham to Bury St. Edmunds) Act 18471847 c. xviiiUK Local Acts
Bolton Improvement Act 18471847 c. xviiUK Local Acts
Commissioners Clauses Act 18471847 c. 16UK Public General Acts
Hartlepool West Harbour and Dock Act 18471847 c. xviUK Local Acts
Wolverhampton Gas Act 18471847 c. xvUK Local Acts
Markets And Fairs Clauses Act 18471847 c. 14UK Public General Acts
Manchester Markets Act 18471847 c. xivUK Local Acts
Newmarket and Chesterford Railway Act 18471847 c. xiiiUK Local Acts
Newmarket and Chesterford Railway (Bury Extension and Ely Branch) Act 18471847 c. xiiUK Local Acts
Colchester, Stour Valley, Sudbury and Halstead Railway Act 18471847 c. xiUK Local Acts
Ayrshire and Galloway (Smithstown and Dalmellington) Railway Act 18471847 c. xUK Local Acts
Newhaven Harbour and Ouse Harbour Navigation Act 18471847 c. ixUK Local Acts
Cheltenham Waterworks Company Act 18471847 c. viiiUK Local Acts
Ipswich Gas Act 18471847 c. viiUK Local Acts
Pile Pier Act 18471847 c. viUK Local Acts
Shipley Gas Light Act 18471847 c. vUK Local Acts
District Fire Insurance Company Act 18471847 c. ivUK Local Acts

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