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Your search for English language Primary Legislation from 1849 has returned 129 results.

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Edinburgh and Northern Railway (Additional Capital) Act 18491849 c. xvUK Local Acts
Thomas Gordon's estate: enabling the trustees to sell the estates of Cairness and others (Aberdeen) for payment of debts and burdens and purchase and settle other estates from the residue, and other provisions Act 18491849 c. 14UK Private and Personal Acts
New Ross Harbour (Wexford and Kilkenny Counties) Act 18491849 c. xivUK Local Acts
Anthony Harman's estate: authorizing the trustees of his will to grant leases Act 18491849 c. 13UK Private and Personal Acts
Argyll Canal Company Dissolution Act 18491849 c. xiiiUK Local Acts
Vesting the Cole and Reynolds estates at Doddington, Leverington, Guyhurn, Broughton and Buckton (Cambridgeshire and Huntingdonshire) in trustees for sale Act 18491849 c. 12UK Private and Personal Acts
Kidderminster Union Small Tenements Rating Act 18491849 c. xiiUK Local Acts
Chaloner and Eliza Ogle's marriage settlement: enabling the trustees to grant leases of the estates and hereditaments at Patcham (Sussex) Act 18491849 c. 11UK Private and Personal Acts
Wareham Dock Act 18491849 c. xiUK Local Acts
Marianne Robertson's estate: enabling her to disentail parts of the estate of Ladykirk [Berwick] and convey it to David Robertson, in lieu of the lands of Simprin [Berwick], to be added by him to her entailed estate, and enabling her to secure a sum against the estate, and other provisions Act 18491849 c. 10UK Private and Personal Acts
Epsom Rates Act 18491849 c. xUK Local Acts
George Duke of Sutherland's settlement: enabling the trustees to grant or demise springs and reservoirs in Caverswall and Stone (Staffordshire) and waterworks, rights and privileges for supplying the towns of Longton, Lane End and others (Staffordshire) to Staffordshire Potteries Waterworks Company and enabling them to purchase shares in the company and advance money to it, and other provisions Act 18491849 c. 9UK Private and Personal Acts
Nottingham Gas Amendment Act 18491849 c. ixUK Local Acts
Incorporating Aberdeen Destitute Female Orphan Asylum, altering and extending its powers and provisions and vesting in it the residual estate of John Carnegie Act 18491849 c. 8UK Private and Personal Acts
Darlington Gas and Waterworks Act 18491849 c. viiiUK Local Acts
Other Archer, Earl of Plymouth's estate: enabling grant of mining leases to Anthony Hill, of estates in Merthyr Tydvil, and other provisions Act 18491849 c. 7UK Private and Personal Acts
Feltwell Second Distict Drainage Act 18491849 c. viiUK Local Acts
William Antonie's estate: amending the Act of 1832 [c. 30] (vesting part of his freehold estates in John Lee, in strict settlement, subject to a term of 500 years, substituting part of John Lee's estate in lieu and appointing new trustees), authorizing the sale of part of the estate for payment of incumbrances and purchase of other hereditaments to be settled to the uses of the 1832 Act 18491849 c. 6UK Private and Personal Acts
Longton Market Act 18491849 c. viUK Local Acts
Borough of Louth and Warden and Six Assistants of the Town and Free School of Louth (Lincolnshire) : determining the ownership of estates, hereditaments and rights and vesting the fairs and markets in the borough, and other provisions Act 18491849 c. 5UK Private and Personal Acts

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