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Your search for English language Primary Legislation from 1882 has returned more than 200 results.

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Metropolitan Markets (Fish, &c.) Act 18821882 c. civUK Local Acts
Local Government Board's Provisional Orders Confirmation (No. 9) Act 18821882 c. ciiiUK Local Acts
Education Department Provisional Order Confirmation (West Ham, &c.) Act 18821882 c. ciiUK Local Acts
Tramways Orders Confirmation (No. 3) Act 18821882 c. ciUK Local Acts
Water Orders Confirmation Act 18821882 c. cUK Local Acts
Gas Orders Confirmation Act 18821882 c. xcixUK Local Acts
Local Government Board's Provisional Order Confirmation (No. 11) Act 18821882 c. xcviiiUK Local Acts
Local Government Board's Provisional Order Confirmation (No. 8) Act 18821882 c. xcviiUK Local Acts
Exmouth Gas Act 18821882 c. xcviUK Local Acts
Liverpool United Gaslight Company's Act 18821882 c. xcvUK Local Acts
Metropolitan Railway Act 18821882 c. xcivUK Local Acts
London, Brighton and South Coast Railway (Various Powers) Act 18821882 c. xciiiUK Local Acts
Liverpool Tramways Act 18821882 c. xciiUK Local Acts
Edinburgh Street Tramways Act 18821882 c. xciUK Local Acts
East and West India Dock Company's Extension Act 18821882 c. xcUK Local Acts
Brighton District Tramways Act 18821882 c. lxxxixUK Local Acts
London and North Western Railway (Ordsall Lane) Act 18821882 c. lxxxviiiUK Local Acts
Glasgow Corporation Waterworks Amendment Act 18821882 c. lxxxviiUK Local Acts
Rugby Gas Act 18821882 c. lxxxviUK Local Acts
West Lancashire Railway Act 18821882 c. lxxxvUK Local Acts

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