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Your search for English language Scottish Draft Statutory Instruments from 2006 with a subject starting with C has returned 9 results.

TitleYearLegislation type


The Charity Test (Specified Bodies) (Scotland) Order 2006
Superseded by 2006 No. 219
2006Scottish Draft Statutory Instruments
The Further and Higher Education (Scotland) Act 1992 Modification Order 2006
Superseded by 2006 No. 216
2006Scottish Draft Statutory Instruments
The Protection of Charities Assets (Exemption) (Scotland) Order 2006
Superseded by 2006 No. 220
2006Scottish Draft Statutory Instruments

Children and Young Persons

The Joint Inspections (Scotland) Regulations 2006
Superseded by 2006 No. 263
2006Scottish Draft Statutory Instruments

Civil Partnership

The Civil Partnership Act 2004 (Consequential Amendments) (Scotland) Order 2006
Superseded by 2006 No. 379
2006Scottish Draft Statutory Instruments


The Construction Contracts (Scotland) Exclusion Amendment Order 2006
Superseded by 2006 No. 513
2006Scottish Draft Statutory Instruments

Criminal Justice

The Risk Assessment and Minimisation (Accreditation Scheme) (Scotland) Order 2006
Superseded by 2006 No. 190
2006Scottish Draft Statutory Instruments

Criminal Law

The Community Justice Authorities (Establishment, Constitution and Proceedings) (Scotland) Order 2006
Superseded by 2006 No. 182
2006Scottish Draft Statutory Instruments
The Management of Offenders etc. (Scotland) Act 2005 (Supplementary Provisions) Order 2006
Superseded by 2006 No. 389
2006Scottish Draft Statutory Instruments

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