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Draft Regulations laid before the Scottish Parliament under section 7(2) of the Budget (Scotland) Act 2020 for approval by resolution of the Scottish Parliament.

Draft Scottish Statutory Instruments

2021 No.

Public Finance And Accountability

The Budget (Scotland) Act 2020 Amendment Regulations 2021



Coming into force


The Scottish Ministers make the following Regulations in exercise of the powers conferred by section 7(1) of the Budget (Scotland) Act 2020(1) and all other powers enabling them to do so.

In accordance with section 7(2) of that Act, a draft of these Regulations has been laid before and approved by resolution of the Scottish Parliament.

Citation, commencement and interpretation

1.—(1) These Regulations may be cited as the Budget (Scotland) Act 2020 Amendment Regulations 2021 and come into force on the day after the day on which they are made.

(2) In these Regulations, “the Act” means the Budget (Scotland) Act 2020.

Amendment of amounts specified in section 4 (overall cash authorisations)

2.  In section 4 of the Act—

(a)for the amount specified in subsection (2) (Scottish Administration), substitute “£51,074,656,000”,

(b)for the amount specified in subsection (3)(a) (Scottish Parliamentary Corporate Body), substitute “£95,494,000”,

(c)for the amount specified in subsection (3)(b) (Audit Scotland), substitute “£10,023,000”.

Amendment of schedule 1 (the Scottish Administration)

3.—(1) The table in schedule 1 of the Act is amended as follows.

(2) In column 1 (purposes)—

(a)in relation to purpose 1, for “other health services” substitute “other health and social care services”,

(b)in relation to purpose 2, omit “funding for domestic energy efficiency, insulation and refurbishment projects;”,

(c)in relation to purpose 3, after “Chief Statistician” insert “; support for Growth Accelerator and Green Growth Accelerator programmes”,

(d)in relation to purpose 4—

(i)after “(MG Alba);” insert “the Scots language;”,

(ii)for “youth work, including youth justice and associated social work services” substitute “youth justice and preventing offending by children and young people; secure care for children and young people; advocacy for children and young people; development of the social services workforce; supporting quality improvement and improvement science through the children and young people improvement collaborative; development of the community learning and development workforce”,

(iii)after “Care Review” insert “and implementation of The Promise; implementation of Getting It Right For Every Child”,

(iv)after “abuse in care” insert “including introduction and development of Redress Scotland”,

(v)after “learning activities” insert “including community-based adult learning”,

(vi)after “training and work;” insert “funding for employment support programmes;”,

(e)in relation to purpose 5—

(i)after “police services;” insert “the running costs of inquiries and reviews;”,

(ii)omit “the transition to comprehensive new arrangements for civil judicial co-operation”,

(f)in relation to purpose 6, after “broadband connectivity;” insert “funding for domestic energy efficiency, insulation and refurbishment projects; funding for domestic and non-domestic”,

(g)in relation to purpose 7, after “Renewables Fund;” insert “Environmental Standards Scotland;”,

(h)in relation to purpose 9, omit “; Historic Environment Scotland”,

(i)in relation to purpose 12—

(i)after “extradition” insert “and mutual legal assistance”,

(ii)after “European Union” insert “including work on the consequences for continued law enforcement and criminal justice co-operation”,

(iii)after “Act 2002;” insert “for use by the Lord Advocate, through the Civil Recovery Unit, on investigations and cases brought under that Act;”.

(3) In column 2 (amount of resources (other than accruing resources)), for the amount specified—

(a)in relation to purpose 1, substitute “18,090,426,000”,

(b)in relation to purpose 2, substitute “13,049,963,000”,

(c)in relation to purpose 3, substitute “230,954,000”,

(d)in relation to purpose 4, substitute “4,949,772,000”,

(e)in relation to purpose 5, substitute “2,884,760,000”,

(f)in relation to purpose 6, substitute “4,135,174,000”,

(g)in relation to purpose 7, substitute “502,333,000”,

(h)in relation to purpose 8, substitute “997,570,000”,

(i)in relation to purpose 9, substitute “1,980,333,000”,

(j)in relation to purpose 10, substitute “3,660,219,000”,

(k)in relation to purpose 11, substitute “49,415,000”,

(l)in relation to purpose 12, substitute “170,385,000”,

(m)in relation to purpose 13, substitute “54,226,000”,

(n)in relation to purpose 14, substitute “3,375,000”,

(o)in relation to purpose 15, substitute “4,906,000”,

(p)in relation to purpose 16, substitute “154,390,000”,

(q)in relation to purpose 18, substitute “6,995,000”,

(r)in relation to purpose 19, substitute “18,900,000”,

(s)in relation to purpose 20, substitute “5,229,200,000”,

(t)in relation to purpose 21, substitute “52,911,000”,

(u)in the final row, in relation to the total of amounts of resources, substitute “56,228,255,000”.

(4) In column 3 (amount of accruing resources), for the amount specified—

(a)in relation to purpose 1, substitute “3,000,000,000”,

(b)in the final row, in relation to the total of amounts of resources, substitute “8,141,500,000”.

Amendment of schedule 2 (direct-funded bodies)

4.—(1) The table in schedule 2 of the Act is amended in accordance with paragraph (2).

(2) In column 2 (amount of resources other than accruing resources), for the amount specified—

(a)in relation to purpose 1, substitute “111,869,000”,

(b)in relation to purpose 2, substitute “13,365,000”.


A member of the Scottish Government

St Andrew’s House,




(This note is not part of the Regulations)

These Regulations amend the Budget (Scotland) Act 2020 (“the Act”).

Regulation 2 amends the overall cash authorisations specified in section 4(2) of the Act in relation to the Scottish Administration.

Regulation 3(2) amends purposes 1 to 9 and 12 in schedule 1 of the Act, for which the Scottish Ministers may use resources in the financial year 2020/21.

Regulation 3(3) amends schedule 1 of the Act by amending the amounts of resources other than accruing resources that may be used for purposes 1 to 16 and 18 to 21. It also amends the total of amounts of resources for all the purposes in that schedule.

Regulation 3(4) amends schedule 1 of the Act by amending the amount of accruing resources that may be used for purpose 1. It also amends the total of amounts of accruing resources for all the purposes in that schedule.

Regulation 4 amends schedule 2 of the Act by amending the amounts of resources other than accruing resources that may be used for purposes 1 and 2.