Regulation 3(7)

SCHEDULE 5Amendments to schedule 3 of the Civil Legal Aid (Scotland) (Fees) Regulations 1989

1.The fee for—
(a)any time up to the first half hour spent by a solicitor conducting a proof or hearing£35.31
(b)each quarter hour (or part thereof) subsequent to the first half hour£17.67
2.The fee for—
(a)each quarter hour (or part thereof) spent by a solicitor in carrying out work other than that prescribed in paragraphs 1 and 3 to 6 of this table, provided that any time is additional to the total time charged for under paragraph 1£13.66
(b)each quarter hour (or part thereof) spent by a solicitor’s clerk in carrying out work other than that prescribed in paragraphs 3 to 6 of this table£6.77
3.The fee for framing affidavits – per sheet (or part thereof)£11.60
4.The fee for—
(a)framing and drawing all necessary papers, other than affidavits or papers of a formal character,
(b)each citation of a party, witness or haver including execution thereof,
(c)instructing messengers-at-arms and sheriff officers, including examining execution and settling fee,
(d)agency accepting service of any writ,
(e)lodging first step of process,
(f)lengthy telephone calls (of over 4 minutes and up to 10 minutes duration),
(g)letters, including instructions to counsel - per page (or part thereof), subject to paragraph 5(f) below,
(h)perusing any document (other than a letter) consisting of not more than 12 sheets - for the first 2 sheets and each 2 sheets thereafter.
NOTE: Where the document perused consists of more than 12 sheets the fee for perusing the whole document shall be charged in accordance with paragraph 2 above
in each of sub-paragraphs (a)-(h)£7.77
5.The fee for—
(a)attendance at court offices for carrying out formal work including making up process and each necessary lodging in (other than first step), uplifting from or borrowing of process (to include return of same) or enquiry for documents due to be lodged,
(b)revising papers drawn by counsel, open and closed records etc. or where revisal ordered - per 5 sheets (or part thereof),
(c)framing formal papers such as inventories, title pages and accounts of expenses per sheet (or part thereof),
(d)certifying or signing a document,
(e)short telephone calls (of up to 4 minutes duration),
(f)short letters of a formal nature, intimations, and letters confirming telephone calls.
in each of sub-paragraphs (a) to (f)£3.09
5A.The fee for each quarter hour (or part thereof) spent travelling—
(a)by a solicitor£6.72
(b)by a solicitor’s clerk£3.40
6.Where a document is copied and it is necessary to take a copy of more than 20 sheets (whether 20 of 1 sheet, 5 of 4 sheets or whatever), for each sheet copied a fee of£0.08