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Your search for English language Secondary Legislation from 1981 with a subject starting with P has returned 25 results.

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The House of Commons Members' Fund Order 19811981 No. 748UK Statutory Instruments


The Pensions Increase (Review) Order (Northern Ireland) 19811981 No. 307Northern Ireland Statutory Rules
The Pensions Increase (Review) Order 19811981 No. 1217UK Statutory Instruments
The Superannuation (Examiner of Statutory Rules) Order (Northern Ireland) 19811981 No. 379Northern Ireland Statutory Rules

Pensions (northern Ireland)

The Pensions Appeal Tribunals (Northern Ireland) Rules (Northern Ireland) 19811981 No. 231Northern Ireland Statutory Rules


The Submarine Pipe-lines (Electricity Generating Stations) Regulations 19811981 No. 750UK Statutory Instruments

Plant Health

The Import and Export (Plants and Plant Products) (Plant Health) Order (Northern Ireland) 19811981 No. 38Northern Ireland Statutory Rules
The Import and Export (Potatoes) (Plant Health) Order (Northern Ireland) 19811981 No. 36Northern Ireland Statutory Rules
The Import and Export (Wood and Bark) (Plant Health) Order (Northern Ireland) 19811981 No. 37Northern Ireland Statutory Rules


The Police Cadets (Amendment) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 19811981 No. 178Northern Ireland Statutory Rules
The Royal Ulster Constabulary (Amendment) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 19811981 No. 406Northern Ireland Statutory Rules
The Royal Ulster Constabulary (Promotion) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 19811981 No. 19Northern Ireland Statutory Rules
The Royal Ulster Constabulary Pensions (Amendment) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 19811981 No. 216Northern Ireland Statutory Rules
The Royal Ulster Constabulary Pensions (Lump Sum Payments to Widows) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 19811981 No. 321Northern Ireland Statutory Rules

Prevention and Suppression of Terrorism

The Suppression of Terrorism Act 1978 (Designation of Countries) (No. 2) Order 19811981 No. 1507UK Statutory Instruments
The Suppression of Terrorism Act 1978 (Designation of Countries) Order 19811981 No. 1389UK Statutory Instruments

Public Health

The Interest on Recoverable Sanitation Expenses (No. 2) Order (Northern Ireland) 19811981 No. 255Northern Ireland Statutory Rules
The Interest on Recoverable Sanitation Expenses (No. 3) Order (Northern Ireland) 19811981 No. 334Northern Ireland Statutory Rules
The Interest on Recoverable Sanitation Expenses Order (Northern Ireland) 19811981 No. 123Northern Ireland Statutory Rules
The Pollution Control (Special Waste) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 19811981 No. 252Northern Ireland Statutory Rules

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