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Your search for English language Secondary Legislation from 2006 with a subject starting with G has returned 14 results.

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Gaelic Language

The Gaelic Language (Scotland) Act 2005 Commencement Order 20062006 No. 31 (C. 3)Scottish Statutory Instruments


Game Preservation (Special Protection for Irish Hares) Order (Northern Ireland) 20062006 No. 114Northern Ireland Statutory Rules


Gas Order 1996 (Amendment) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 20062006 No. 358Northern Ireland Statutory Rules
The Electricity and Gas Appeals (Modification of Time Limits) Order 20062006 No. 1519UK Statutory Instruments
The Energy Act 2004 (Commencement No. 7) Order 20062006 No. 1964 (C. 66)UK Statutory Instruments
The Gas (Designation of Pipelines) Order (Northern Ireland) 20062006 No. 404Northern Ireland Statutory Rules
The Gas (Prepayment Meter) Regulations 20062006 No. 2011UK Statutory Instruments
The Gas Act 1986 (Exemption from the Requirement for an Interconnector Licence) Order 20062006 No. 2000UK Statutory Instruments

Gender Recognition

The Gender Recognition (Application Fees) Order 20062006 No. 758UK Statutory Instruments

Government Resources and Accounts

The Special Health Authorities (Audit) Order 20062006 No. 960UK Statutory Instruments
The Special Health Authorities (Summarised Accounts) Order 20062006 No. 250UK Statutory Instruments
The Whole of Government Accounts (Designation of Bodies) (Northern Ireland) Order 20062006 No. 226Northern Ireland Statutory Rules

Government Trading Funds

The Driving Standards Agency Trading Fund (Maximum Borrowing) Order 20062006 No. 623UK Statutory Instruments
The Ordnance Survey Trading Fund (Maximum Borrowing) Order 20062006 No. 2835UK Statutory Instruments

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