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Your search for English language Secondary Legislation with a subject starting with EDUCATION,+ENGLAND has returned more than 200 results.

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The School Teachers' Pay and Conditions (England) Order 2019 (revoked)2019 No. 1267UK Statutory Instruments
The Designation of Schools Having a Religious Character (England) (No. 2) Order 20192019 No. 1202UK Statutory Instruments
The Designation of Schools Having a Religious Character (Independent Schools) (England) Order 20192019 No. 1201UK Statutory Instruments
The Power to Award Degrees etc. (BPP University Limited) Order of Council 2013 (Amendment) Order 20192019 No. 1163UK Statutory Instruments
The School Teachers' Incentive Payments (England) Order 20192019 No. 1133UK Statutory Instruments
The Power to Award Degrees etc. (Grimsby Institute of Further and Higher Education) Order of Council 2013 (Amendment) Order 20192019 No. 1129UK Statutory Instruments
The Designation of Schools Having a Religious Character (England) Order 20192019 No. 1090UK Statutory Instruments
The Higher Education (Monetary Penalties and Refusal to Renew an Access and Participation Plan) (England) Regulations 20192019 No. 1026UK Statutory Instruments
The Independent Educational Provision in England (Inspection Fees and Savings Provisions) Regulations 20192019 No. 995UK Statutory Instruments
The Further Education Loans and the Education (Student Support) (Amendment) Regulations 20192019 No. 983UK Statutory Instruments
The Inspectors of Education, Children’s Services and Skills (No. 2) Order 20192019 No. 972UK Statutory Instruments
The Education (Pupil Information) (England) (Amendment) Regulations 20192019 No. 959UK Statutory Instruments
The Relationships Education, Relationships and Sex Education and Health Education (England) Regulations 20192019 No. 924UK Statutory Instruments
The Education (National Curriculum) (Key Stage 2 Assessment Arrangements) (England) (Amendment) Order 20192019 No. 854UK Statutory Instruments
The Higher Education (Registration Fees) (England) Regulations 20192019 No. 543UK Statutory Instruments
The Recognition of Professional Qualifications (Amendment etc.) (EU Exit) Regulations 20192019 No. 312UK Statutory Instruments
The Inspectors of Education, Children’s Services and Skills Order 20192019 No. 259UK Statutory Instruments
The Higher Education (Fee Limits for Accelerated Courses) (England) Regulations 20192019 No. 214UK Statutory Instruments
The Education (Student Fees, Awards and Support etc.) (Amendment) Regulations 20192019 No. 142UK Statutory Instruments
The Education (Student Fees, Awards and Support) (Amendment) (EU Exit) Regulations 2019 (revoked)2019 No. 139UK Statutory Instruments

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