The area of sea below high water springs enclosed by a line starting at a point on the Southern edge of the Kintyre Peninsula at 55° 17.2'N 5° 45.5W; then East to 55° 17.2'N 5° 30'W; then South to a point at 55° 00'N 5° 30'W; then West to a point at 55° 00'N 5° 30.55'W; then North and West along the Scottish Adjacent Waters Boundary line described in article 3(b) of the Scottish Adjacent Waters Boundaries Order 19992 to a point at 55° 25.49'N 6° 30'W; then North to a point at 55° 30'N 6° 30'W then East to the West coast of the Kintyre Peninsula at position 55° 30'N 5° 42.8'W; then South along the shore of the Kintyre Peninsula to the start point.