Citation, commencement and interpretation1.
These Regulations may be cited as the Educational Development, Researchand Services (Scotland) Grant Regulations 1999 and shall come into force on18th October 1999.
Grants for educational development, research and services2.
The Scottish Ministers may pay in accordance with these Regulations toany person or body of persons corporate or unincorporate grants in respectof expenditure approved by them, incurred or to be incurred by such personor body for or in connection with any of the following purposes:–
the progressive development of any branch of education;
the conduct of educational research and the publication of reports onsuch research;
for the purposes of, or in connection with, the provision (or proposedprovision), whether by them, or any other person, of educational servicesof an administrative, advisory, informatory, organising or trainingcharacter.
Determination and payment of grants3.
Grants under these Regulations shall be of such amounts and paid atsuch rates and in respect of such periods as the Scottish Ministers maydetermine.
Grants under these Regulations may be paid as single payments or byinstalments of such amounts and at such time as the Scottish Ministers maydetermine.
Conditions for payment of grant4.
No grant shall be payable except in the response to an application inwriting to the Scottish Ministers.
No grant shall be payable unless the person or body to whom it may bepaid–
keeps such records and accounts as the Scottish Ministers may requirein such form as they may require and has such accounts audited to thesatisfaction of the Scottish Ministers;
submits to the Scottish Ministers the audited accounts and relativevouchers and other documents when so required by them;
makes such reports and returns and gives such information to theScottish Ministers as they may require;
affords to any of Her Majesty’s Inspectors of Schools, or any otherperson appointed by the Scottish Ministers, all reasonable facilities whichhe may require to inform himself as to the progress of the work in aid ofwhich grant may be paid.
The Scottish Ministers may from time to time determine furtherconditions on the fulfilment of which the making of any payment inpursuance of these Regulations shall be dependent.
Where conditions have been determined in pursuance of paragraph (3), nogrant shall be payable unless the conditions have been fulfilled or beenwithdrawn in pursuance of paragraph (5).
The Scottish Ministers may determine to withdraw or, after consultingthe person or body to whom a grant may be paid, vary conditions determinedin pursuance of paragraph (3).
Requirements relating to grants5.
A person or body to whom a payment of grant has been made shall complywith such requirements as may be determined by the Scottish Ministers inthe case in question.
Requirements determined under paragraph (1) may include requirements asto–
the repayment of grants;
the payment to the Scottish Ministers of sums related to the value ofassets acquired, provided or improved with the aid of grant; or
the payment of interest on sums due to the Scottish Ministers.
St Andrew’s House,