Regulation 6
Note: The word ‘fresh’ is taken to extend to products which have been chilled.
Column 1 | Column 2 | Column 3 |
Group of products | Products included in the groups | Part of product to which maximum residue levels apply |
1. Fruit, fresh, dried or uncooked, preserved by freezing, not containing added sugar: nuts | ||
(i) CITRUS FRUIT | Grapefruit Lemons Limes Mandarins (including clementines and similar hybrids) Oranges Pomelos Others | } Whole Product. |
(ii) TREE NUTS (shelled or unshelled) | Almonds Brazil nuts Cashew nuts Chestnuts Coconuts Hazelnuts Macadamia nuts Pecans Pine nuts Pistachios Walnuts Others | } Whole product after removal of shell. |
(iii) POME FRUIT | Apples Pears Quinces Others | } Whole product after removal of stems. |
(iv) STONE FRUIT | Apricots Cherries Peaches (including nectarines and similar hybrids) Plums Others | } Whole product after removal of stems. |
(v) BERRIES AND SMALL FRUIT | (a)Table and wine grapes
(c)Cane fruit
(d)Other small fruit and berries
(e)Wild berries and wild fruit | } Whole product after removal of caps and stems (if any) and, in the case of currants, fruits with stems. |
(vi) MISCELLANEOUS FRUIT | Avocados Bananas Dates Figs Kiwi fruit Kumquats Litchis Mangoes Olives (table consumption)† Olives (oil extract) Passion fruit Pineapples Pomegranates Others | } Whole fruit after removal of stems (if any) and in the case of pineapple, after removal of the crown. } †Whole fruit after removal of stems (if any) after removal of soil (if any) by rinsing in running water. |
(i) ROOT AND TUBER VEGETABLES | Beetroot Carrots Celeriac Horseradish Jerusalem artichokes Parsnips Parsley root Radishes Salsify Sweet potatoes Swedes Turnips Yams Others | } Whole product after removal of tops and adhering soil (if any) (removal of soil by rinsing in running water or by gentle brushing of the dry product). |
2. Vegetables, fresh or uncooked, frozen or dry | ||
(ii) BULB VEGETABLES | Garlic Onions Shallots Spring Onions Others | } For dry onions, shallots and garlic: whole product after removal of easily detachable skin and soil (if any). Onions, shallots and garlic other than dry, spring onions: whole product after removal of roots and soil (if any). |
(iii) FRUITING VEGETABLES | (a)Solanacea
(b)Cucurbits-edible peel
(c)Cucurbits-inedible peel
| } Whole product after removal of stems. |
(d)Sweet corn | } Kernels or cobs without husks. | |
(iv) BRASSICA VEGETABLES | (a)Flowering brassicas
(b)Head brassicas
(c)Leafy brassicas
| } Product after removal of decayed leaves (if any). |
(d)Kohlrabi | } Whole product after removal of tops and adhering soil (if any) (removal of soil by rinsing in running water or by gentle brushing of the dry product). | |
(v) LEAF VEGETABLES AND FRESH HERBS | (a)Lettuce and similar
(b)Spinach and similar
(c)Watercress (d)Witloof (e)Herbs
| } Whole product after removal of decayed outer leaves, root and soil (if any). |
(vi) LEGUME VEGETABLES (FRESH) | Beans with pods Beans without pods Peas with pods Peas without pods Others | } Whole product after removal of pods or with pods if they are intended to be eaten. |
(vii) STEM VEGETABLES | Asparagus Cardoons Celery Fennel Globe artichokes Leeks Rhubarb Others | } Whole product after removal of decayed tissue and soil (if any); leeks and fennel: whole product after removal of roots and soil (if any). |
(viii) FUNGI | Mushrooms (other than wild) Wild Mushrooms | } Whole product after removal of decayed tissue and soil (if any); leeks and fennel: whole product after removal of roots and soil (if any). |
3. Pulses | ||
Beans Lentils Peas Others | } Whole product. | |
4. Oil seeds | ||
Linseed Peanuts Poppy seed Rape seed Sesame seed Sunflower seed* Soya bean Others | } Whole seed or kernel after removal of shell and husk, when possible. } *Whole seed including shell, when present, and whole seed without shell, when shell is absent. | |
5. Potatoes | ||
Early potatoes Ware potatoes | } Whole product after removal of soil (if any) (removal of soil by rinsing in running water or by gentle brushing of the dry product). | |
6. Tea (dried leaves and stalks, fermented or otherwise, Camellia sinensis) | ||
} Whole product. | ||
7. Hops (dried), including hop pellets and unconcentrated powder | ||
} Whole product. | ||
8. Cereal grains | ||
Wheat Rye Barley Oats Triticale Maize Rice Other cereals | } Whole commodity without husk. | |
9. Products of animal origin | ||
Meat, fat and preparations of meat | } Whole commodity (For fat soluble pesticides a portion of carcass fat is analysed and MRLs apply to carcass fat. | |
Milk | } Whole commodity. | |
Eggs | } Whole egg whites and yolks combined after removal of shells. | |
10. Spices | ||
Cumin seed Juniper berries Nutmeg Pepper, black and white Vanilla pods Others | } Whole product. |