The Fresh Meat (Beef Controls) (No. 2) Amendment (Scotland) Regulations 2000

Explanatory Note

(This note is not part of these Regulations)

These Regulations, which extend to Scotland only, amend the Fresh Meat (Beef Controls) (No. 2) Regulations 1996.

These Regulations provide for the enforcement of Article 2.1 of Commission Regulation (EC) No 2777/2000 adopting exceptional support measures for the beef market (regulation 2(2)). Article 2.1, which will cease to have effect on 30th June 2001, provides that meat from bovine animals aged more than 30 months and slaughtered in the European Community after 1st January 2001 can only be released for human consumption or for export if tested negatively for bovine spongiform encephalopathy by an approved rapid test as referred to in Annex IV(A) to Commission Decision 98/272/EC (O.J. No. L 122, 24.4.98, p.59). Annex IV(A) was inserted into that Decision by Commission Decision 2000/374/EC (O.J. No. 135, 8.6.00, p.27).

A Regulatory Impact Assessment has not been prepared in respect of these Regulations.