Article Eight – Nomination

(1) To become a candidate in the election a teacher shall be supported in writing on a nomination paper by:

(a)a proposer;

(b)a seconder, and

(c)five additional teachers,

each of whom must appear on the roll of electors and, at the date upon which they have signed the nomination paper, have the same election category entered against their name as the teacher whose nomination paper they have signed.

(2) Nominations shall be made on the nomination paper provided by the Returning Officer at the address specified in the Notice of Election.

(3) Each nomination paper shall be used to nominate one teacher only.

(4) Any person having the requisite qualifications for nominating or supporting a candidate may nominate or support any number of candidates not exceeding the number to be elected.

(5) The nomination paper shall state:

(a)the full name and date of birth of the proposed candidate;

(b)the Registration Number of the proposed candidate;

(c)the full postal address which appears against the proposed candidate’s name on the register;

(d)the election category in which the proposed candidate wishes to stand for election, and which appears against the proposed candidate’s name in the register;

(e)details of the proposed candidate’s employment as a teacher, ie post held and date of appointment, educational establishment in which employed, academic, professional and technical qualifications held, teaching qualifications held;

(f)the names, registration numbers and register addresses of

(i)the proposer,

(ii)the seconder, and

(iii)the five additional teachers

supporting the nomination;

(g)a contact telephone number for the proposed candidate;

(h)the name and address of the person to whom the nomination paper shall be returned and the time and date by which it shall be received;

(i)any other information that the Returning Officer may deem to be appropriate.

(6) The nomination paper shall be signed and dated by the proposed candidate stating:

(a)that the proposed candidate is eligible to stand for election in accordance with the Scheme, and

(b)that the proposed candidate is willing to be a candidate in the election and to serve as a member of the Council if elected.

(7) The nomination paper shall also be signed and dated by the proposer, the seconder and the five additional teachers who are supporting the proposed candidate’s nomination.

(8) A nomination paper shall be received by the Returning Officer at the address specified in the Notice of Election notice by noon on the qualifying date.

(9) Any nomination paper received after noon on the qualifying date shall be ruled invalid.

(10) The Independent Scrutineer shall, within seven days of the qualifying date, send by Recorded Delivery Post to all validly nominated teachers, the names of the other nominated candidates the Returning Officer has declared valid in their election category.

(11) A candidate may, on written notice to the Returning Officer to be received by noon on the 20th day of July in an election year, withdraw nomination as a candidate.

(12) A nomination may not be withdrawn after noon on the 20th day of July in an election year.

(13) A candidate is permitted to provide the Returning Officer with a typed election statement and a passport size photograph of the candidate that shall be circulated to all teachers entitled to vote in the election category for which he is a candidate.

(14) An election statement shall not exceed 100 words and contain no other material.

(15) The election statement and photograph shall be received by the Returning Officer by noon on the qualifying date. Any election statement or photograph received after that time on that date shall not be circulated.

(16) The Returning Officer shall have the right to edit any election statement if it exceeds the permitted number of words or because it contains statements which are intended to deceive or are of a defamatory or offensive nature.

(17) Where, in the opinion of the Returning Officer, a teacher’s nomination is invalid the Returning Officer shall immediately, and no later than the 6th day of July, notify the teacher to that effect in writing by recorded postal delivery stating the reasons why the nomination is considered to be invalid.

(18) Any question arising as to the validity of a teacher’s nomination shall be determined by the Returning Officer.