The General Teaching Council (Scotland) Election Scheme 2001 Approval Order 2001

Article Nine – Conduct of the Election

(1) The election of the teacher members of the Council shall be conducted in the manner set out below.

(2) If the number of duly and properly nominated candidates in a category does not exceed the number of persons to be elected in that category, the Returning Officer shall immediately declare all of the candidates to be elected.

(3) If the number of duly and properly nominated candidates in a category exceeds the number of candidates to be elected in that category, the Independent Scrutineer shall prepare a ballot paper for each election category and shall cause sufficient numbers of such ballot papers to be printed for distribution to the teachers on the register in each election category.

(4) The Independent Scrutineer shall prepare a document for each election category containing the following information in respect of each candidate in that election category, and shall cause sufficient numbers of each to be printed for distribution to the teachers in each election category:


(b)Age in year on 30th June

(c)Post held at 30th June

(d)Educational establishment in which employed on 30th June

(e)Academic, professional, technical and teaching qualifications held

(f)Election statement and photograph of each candidate, where supplied in accordance with Article Eight above

(5) By the first day of September in an election year the Independent Scrutineer shall despatch to each eligible teacher whose name is entered on the register at the qualifying date:

(a)a ballot paper for the election category in which that teacher is entitled to vote prepared in accordance with this Article;

(b)an election statement document for the election category in which that teacher is entitled to vote prepared in accordance with this Article;

(c)instructions as to where the ballot paper should be returned, and advising that the closing date and time for return is 25th September at noon;


(d)a pre-paid envelope addressed to the Independent Scrutineer for the purpose of returning the completed ballot paper.