Composition of Board

14.—(1) Subject to the following paragraphs and rule 15(3), the powers of the Board may be exercised by any 3 members of the Board.

(2) Without prejudice to rule 15(3), any case may be dealt with, in whole or in part, by any 3 members of the Board who are appointed by the chairman of the Board for the purposes of dealing with that case, in whole or in part.

(3) The powers of the Board under rule 6(1) to decide that any written information or document should not be sent or disclosed to a person shall be exercised by the chairman of the Board or such member as may be appointed by him for that purpose.

(4) No member of the Board who took part in making a recommendation under section 28(1) of the 1989 Act in relation to a person shall deal with that person’s case under section 28(4) of that Act.

(5) No member of the Board who took part in making a recommendation under section 17(1) of the 1993 Act in relation to a person shall deal with that person’s case under section 17(3) of that Act.