Temporary residents

23.  An agreement shall provide that–

(a)a provider may accept as a temporary resident a person requiring treatment who is–

(i)temporarily residing away from their normal place of residence and is not included in the performer’s list of a performer who practises in the vicinity of the place where that person is temporarily residing, or a pooled list of medical practitioners who practise in that vicinity; or

(ii)moving from place to place and not for the time being resident in any place,

and shall notify the Health Board of the treatment provided to any person whom either the provider, or a performer, accepts as a temporary resident, and such other information about that person as the Health Board may reasonably require;

(b)for the purposes of sub-paragraph (a), a person shall be regarded as temporarily resident in a place if, when that person arrives in that place, that person intends to stay there for more than 24 hours but not more than three months;

(c)a provider may inform the Health Board in writing that the provider wishes to terminate responsibility for the provision of personal medical services for a temporary resident and, where the provider does so, the provider’s responsibility shall cease in accordance with sub-paragraph (a) or, as the case may be, sub-paragraph (b) of paragraph 22, as if the temporary resident were a person on the list of patients as defined in that paragraph.