Amendment of the Civil Legal Aid (Scotland) Regulations 19962.
Where the applicant is a person concerned in any of the proceedings set out in paragraph (2) below only as claiming or having an interest in the property, financial affairs or personal welfare of an incapable adult under the Adults with Incapacity (Scotland) Act 20003 (in this regulation referred to as “the 2000 Act”) then for the purpose of determining his disposable income and disposable capital, and the amount of any contribution required under section 17 of the Act, the personal resources of the applicant shall be disregarded, but regard shall be had to the personal resources of the incapable adult.(2)
The proceedings referred to in paragraph (1) above are proceedings where–
an application is made to the sheriff under section 3(3) of the 2000 Act;
a decision as to the incapacity of an adult is appealed under section 14(b) of the 2000 Act;
an application is made to the sheriff for an order under section 20(2) of the 2000 Act;
an application is made to the sheriff under section 3(6) of the 2000 Act to vary the terms of an order made under section 20(2) of that Act;
an application under section 26(1) of the 2000 Act for authority to intromit with funds is remitted for determination by the sheriff under section 26(8) of that Act;
the decision of the Public Guardian to grant or refuse an application under section 26(1) of the 2000 Act for authority to intromit with funds is appealed under section 26(9)(a) of the 2000 Act;
the decision of the Public Guardian to refuse to remit an application to the sheriff under section 26(8) is appealed under section 26(9)(b) of the 2000 Act.”.