FORM 1SummonsFORM 1aDefender's copy summons - Claim for or including claim for payment of money where time to pay direction or time order may be applied forFORM 1bDefender's copy summons - claim for or including payment of money (where time to pay direction or time order may not be applied for)FORM 1cDefender's copy summons - non monetary claimFORM 1dDefender's copy summons - multiplepoindingFORM 2Form of claim in a summons for payment of moneyFORM 3Form of claim in a summons for recovery of possession of heritable propertyFORM 3aForm of notice of removal under sections 34, 35 or 36 of the Sheriff Courts (Scotland) Act 1907FORM 3bForm of notice of removal under section 37 of the Sheriff Courts (Scotland) Act 1907FORM 3cForm of letter of removalFORM 4Form of claim in a summons of sequestration for rentFORM 4aNotice informing defender of right to apply for certain orders under the Debtors (Scotland) Act 1987FORM 4bCertificate of SequestrationFORM 5Form of claim in a summons of multiplepoindingFORM 5aForm of statement by holder of fund or subject when not the pursuerFORM 5bForm of claim on the fund or subject in action of multiplepoindingFORM 6Form of claim in a summons of furthcomingFORM 7Form of claim in a summons for deliveryFORM 8Form of claim in a summons for implement of an obligationFORM 9Form of claim in a summons for count, reckoning and paymentFORM 10Form of statement of claim in a summons for damages for personal injuryFORM 10aForm of claim for provisional damagesFORM 10bForm of responseFORM 10cForm of statement of valuation of claimFORM 10dForm of intimation to connected personsFORM 10eSpecification of documentsFORM 10fForm of minute – application for further damagesFORM 10gForm of notice of application for further damagesFORM 11Form of serviceFORM 12Form of certificate of execution of serviceFORM 13Service on person whose address is unknownForm of advertisementFORM 14Service on person whose address is unknownFORM of notice to be displayed on the walls of courtFORM 15Service by post – form of noticeFORM 16Recall or restriction of arrestmentCertificate authorising the release of arrested funds or propertyFORM 17Form of minute – no form of response lodged by defenderFORM 18Form of minute – pursuer not objecting to application for a time to pay direction or time orderFORM 19Form of minute – pursuer opposing an application for a time to pay direction or time orderFORM 20Form of oath for witnessesFORM 21Form of affirmation for witnessesFORM 22Form of third party noticeFORM 23Form of response to third party noticeFORM 24Order by the court and certificate in optional procedure for recovery of documentsFORM 25Form of minute in an application for letter of requestFORM 25aForm of letter of requestFORM 26Form of witness citationFORM 26aForm of certificate of witness citationFORM 27Form of reference to the European CourtFORM 28Form of extract decree – basicFORM 28aFORM of extract decree – paymentFORM 28bForm of extract decree – recovery of possession of heritable propertyFORM 28cForm of extract decree and warrant to sell in sequestration for rent and saleFORM 28dForm of extract – warrant for ejection and to re-let in sequestration for rent and saleFORM 28eForm of extract decree – furthcomingFORM 28fForm of extract decree – deliveryFORM 28gForm of extract decree – delivery – payment failing deliveryFORM 28hForm of extract decree – alimentFORM 28iForm of extract decree – ad factum praestandumFORM 28jForm of extract decree– absolvitorFORM 28kForm of extract decree – dismissalFORM 29Form of certificate by sheriff clerkService of charge where address of defender is unknownFORM 30Minute for recall of decreeFORM 30aMinute for recall of decree – service copyFORM 31Form of note of appeal to the sheriff principalFORM 32Application for leave to appeal against time to pay directionFORM 33Appeal against time to pay directionFORM 34Application for certificate of suitability for appeal to the Court of SessionFORM 35Form of receipt for money paid to the sheriff clerkFORM 36Action for alimentForm of notice of intimation to children and next of kin where address of defender is unknownFORM 37Action for alimentForm of notice of intimation to children, next of kin and guardian where defender suffers from mental disorder

2002 No. 132


Act of Sederunt (Summary Cause Rules) 2002


Coming into force

The Lords of Council and Session, under and by virtue of the powers conferred by section 32 of the Sheriff Courts (Scotland) Act 19711 and of all other powers enabling them in that behalf, having approved draft rules submitted to them by the Sheriff Court Rules Council in accordance with section 34 of the said Act of 1971, do hereby enact and declare: