
Scottish Statutory Instruments

2002 No. 55


The Ethical Standards in Public Life etc. (Scotland) Act 2000 (Stipulated Time Limit) Order 2002


11th February 2002

Laid before the Scottish Parliament

12th February 2002

Coming into force

11th March 2002

The Scottish Ministers in exercise of the powers conferred on them by section 3(2) of the Ethical Standards in Public Life etc. (Scotland) Act 2000(1) and of all other powers enabling them in that behalf, hereby make the following Order:

Citation and commencement

1.  This Order may be cited as the Ethical Standards in Public Life etc. (Scotland) Act 2000 (Stipulated Time Limit) Order 2002 and shall come into force on 11th March 2002.

Stipulated time limit

2.  The stipulated time limit for the purposes of section 3(1) of the Ethical Standards in Public Life etc. (Scotland) Act 2000 shall be, in relation to each devolved public body, the period ending on 11th July 2002.


Authorised to sign by the Scottish Ministers

St Andrew’s House,


11th February 2002

Explanatory Note

(This note is not part of the Order)

This Order stipulates the time limit within which devolved public bodies, being the bodies specified in schedule 3 to the Ethical Standards in Public Life etc. (Scotland) Act 2000 are required to submit draft codes of conduct for their members for consideration by the Scottish Ministers. In terms of this Order all such bodies are required to submit their draft Code within the period ending on 11th July 2002.