Article 4

SCHEDULECommunity Conservation Measures (Maximum Fines on Summary Conviction)

Column 1Column 2Column 3
Community conservation MeasureSubject matterMaximum fine on summary conviction
III Regulation 2549/2000

1.  Article 2.1 as read with Article 3

Provisions as to the use of multiple-twine netting within a cod-end or extension piece incorporated into a demersal towed net.The statutory maximum

2.  Article 2.2 as read with Article 3

Provisions as to twine thickness in relation to cod-end or extension piece incorporated into a demersal towed net.The statutory maximum

3.  Article 2.3

Provisions as to the circumference of a cod-end of mesh size range 70 to 79mm or 80 to 89mm.The statutory maximum

4.  Article 2.4

Provisions as to the construction of a demersal towed net incorporating quadrilateral mesh.The statutory maximum

5.  Article 2.5 as read with Article 3.1 of Regulation 254/2002

Provisions as to the construction of a demersal towed net of mesh size range 70 to 79mm or 80 to 99mm requiring the insertion of a panel of diamond-meshed netting of a minimum mesh size of 140mm.The statutory maximum

6.  Article 2.6 as read with Article 3.2 of Regulation 254/2002

Provisions as to the construction of a beam trawl of mesh size range 70 to 79mm or 80 to 99mm requiring the insertion of a panel of diamond-meshed netting of a minimum mesh size of 180mm.The statutory maximum

7.  Article 2.7 as read with Article 3.1 of Regulation 254/2002

Provision as to the fitting of a square mesh panel of mesh size of at least 80mm in a demersal towed net of a mesh size range 80 to 99mm.The statutory maximum

8.  Article 2.8

Provisions as to the method of attachment of a cod-end of mesh size less than 100mm.The statutory maximum
IV Regulation 2056/2001

1.  Article 4.1

Provisions as to catch composition for nets with a mesh size in the range of 70 to 79mm to the west of Scotland.The statutory maximum

2.  Article 4.2

Provisions as to catch composition for nets with a mesh size in the range 80 to 109mm in a specified area in the North Sea.The statutory maximum

3.  Article 4.3

Provisions as to catch composition for nets with a mesh size in the range 100 to 109mm to the west of Scotland.The statutory maximum

4.  Article 4.4

Provisions as to catch composition for nets with a mesh size in the range 110 to 119mm to the west of Scotland and, during 2002 only, in the North Sea and to the West of Scotland.The statutory maximum

5.  Article 4.5

Provisions relating to the construction of and catch composition required for nets with a mesh size in the range 100 to 119mm.The statutory maximum

6.  Article 4.6 as read with Articles 4.1–4.5

Provisions relating to a maximum by-catch of cod, for nets with mesh size in the range 32-119mm.The statutory maximum

7.  Article 5.1.i

Provisions relating to mesh construction of demersal towed nets.The statutory maximum

8.  Article 5.1.ii

Provisions relating to the length of a combined cod-end and extension piece for demersal towed nets, with a mesh size greater than or equal to 70mm.The statutory maximum

9.  Article 5.1.iii

Provisions relating to construction of cod-end and extension pieces of demersal towed nets.The statutory maximum

10.  Article 5.1.iv

Provisions relating to the type of netting material used in demersal towed nets.The statutory maximum

11.  Article 5.1.v

Provisions relating to the attachment of the cod-end in demersal towed nets.The statutory maximum

12.  Article

Limitations on twine thickness, used in the construction of a demersal towed net of a mesh size equal to, or greater than, 55mm.The statutory maximum

13.  Article 5.2.i

Limitation on the maximum number of meshes in demersal towed nets with a mesh size in the range 70 to 89mm.The statutory maximum

14.  Article 5.2.iii

Provisions relating to the construction of demersal towed nets with a mesh size in the range 70 to 99mm.The statutory maximum

15.  Article 5.2.iv

Provisions as to the fitting of a square mesh panel in a demersal towed net of 70 to 99mm.The statutory maximum

16.  Article 5.3

Provisions relating to the construction of beam trawl nets.The statutory maximum

17.  Article 6.1 as read with 6.2

Prohibitions relating to the geographical areas within which beam trawls with a mesh size within a certain range may be used.The statutory maximum

18.  Article 6.3

Prohibitions relating to the carriage of certain beam trawls, within a specified geographical area.The statutory maximum

19.  Article 7

Provisions as to the catch composition for fixed gears of a mesh size less than 140mm.The statutory maximum

20.  Article 8.1

Prohibition relating to deployment of certain towed nets in a specified area, and provision as to catch composition.The statutory maximum