Sections 1 and 2 | Duty to secure best value | |
Sections 3 to 5 | Enforcement | |
Section 6 | Other provisions about best value | |
Section 7 | Local authority contracts: relaxation of exclusion of non-commercial considerations | |
Section 8(1), (2)(a)(i) to (iv), (2)(b), (2)(c)(i),(iii) and (iv), (2)(d)(ii), (2)(e) and (3) | Relaxation of restrictions on supply of goods and services etc. by local authorities | |
Section 8(2)(a)(v) | Relaxation of restrictions on supply of goods and services etc. by local authorities | Only for the purpose of repealing the words which follow paragraph (d) |
Section 8(2)(d)(i) | Relaxation of restrictions on supply of goods and services etc. by local authorities | Only for the purpose of repealing the definition of “public body” |
Section 10 | Trading operations and accounts | |
Sections 12 to 14 | Accounts, finance and performance accountability | |
Sections 15 to 19 (Part 2) | Community planning | |
Sections 20 to 22 (Part 3) | Power to advance well-being | |
Sections 23 to 27 (Part 4) | Enforcement and scrutiny | |
Sections 28 to 33 (Part 5) | Rating and council tax | |
Section 34 | Waste management | |
Section 35(1) | Capital expenditure limits | |
Section 37 | Capital grants | |
Section 38 | Scottish Ministers power to pay off loans made to local authorities | |
Section 39 | Provisions supplementary to sections 35 to 38 | |
Section 41 | Establishment of local authority funds other than general fund: setting of council tax | |
Section 42(3) | Paid time off for councillors not to be a political donation | |
Section 43 | Remote participation in and calling of local authority meetings | |
Section 44 | Travel concessions | |
Section 45 | Power to charge for vacant places on school buses etc. | |
Section 46 | Power to provide funds for speed cameras etc. | |
Section 48 | Delegation of Strathclyde Passenger Transport Authority functions to officials | |
Section 49 | Parliamentary procedure for regulations about vehicles used as taxis and private hire cars | |
Section 51 | Arrangements and agreements with bodies corporate | |
Section 52 | Guidance on contractual matters | |
Section 53 | Qualification of and assistance for Accounts Commission auditors | |
Section 54 | Accounts Commission’s and auditor’s powers to obtain information from persons other than local authorities etc. | |
Section 55 | Auditor’s duty in relation to aspects of best value and community planning | |
Section 56 | Extension of Controller of Audit’s reporting functions to best value and community planning: amendment of section 102 of 1973 Act | |
Section 57 | Power to modify enactments | |
Section 58 | Ancillary provision | |
Section 59 | Equal opportunities | |
Section 60, except sub-section (1)(b) and (g) | Repeals and consequential amendments | |
Section 61 | Definitions | |