2003 No. 145


The Fish Labelling (Scotland) Regulations 2003


Laid before the Scottish Parliament

Coming into force

The Scottish Ministers, in exercise of the powers conferred by sections 6(4), 16(1)(e) and (f), 17(2), 26(1)(a) and (3) and 48(1) of the Food Safety Act 19901 and of all other powers enabling them in that behalf, having had regard in accordance with section 48(4A)2 of that Act to advice given by the Food Standards Agency and after consultation in accordance with section 48(4) and (4B)3 of that Act, hereby make the following Regulations:

Citation, commencement and extent1


These Regulations may be cited as the Fish Labelling (Scotland) Regulations 2003 and shall come into force on 28th March 2003.


These Regulations extend to Scotland only.



In these Regulations–

  • the Act” means the Food Safety Act 1990;

  • “the Agency” means the Food Standards Agency;

  • “Regulation 104/2000” means Council Regulation (EC) No. 104/2000 on the common organisation of the markets in fishery and aquaculture products4;

  • “Regulation 2065/2001” means Commission Regulation (EC) No. 2065/2001 laying down detailed rules for the application of Council Regulation (EC) No. 104/2000 as regards informing consumers about fishery and aquaculture products5 as corrected by a Corrigendum published on 12th January 20026.


Any expressions used both in these Regulations and in Regulation 104/2000 or Regulation 2065/2001 have the same meaning in these Regulations as they bear in Regulation 104/2000 or Regulation 2065/2001.

Offences relating to consumer information3


Any person who, in contravention of Article 4(1) of Regulation 104/2000 (consumer information) as read with Regulation 2065/2001, offers for retail sale to the final consumer any product to which that Article applies shall be guilty of an offence and liable on summary conviction to a fine not exceeding level 5 on the standard scale.


Any person who at any stage of marketing fails to comply with Article 8 of Regulation 2065/2001 (traceability and control) shall be guilty of an offence and liable on summary conviction to a fine not exceeding level 3 on the standard scale.

List of commercial designations4


The list of commercial designations which the United Kingdom is required to draw up and publish under Article 4(2) of Regulation 104/2000 is set out in the Schedule to these Regulations, and accordingly, the commercial designations set out in the Schedule are names prescribed by law for the purposes of regulation 6(1) of the Food Labelling Regulations 19967.


In relation to a species included both in the Schedule to these Regulations and in a list published in the English language under Article 4(2) of Regulation 104/2000 having effect in another member State of the European Community or in another part of the United Kingdom, the commercial designation for that species in the list having effect in the other member State or part of the United Kingdom shall be an alternative to the commercial designation for that species set out in the Schedule to these Regulations.

Omission of reference to the production method5

In the case described in Article 4(2) of Regulation 2065/2001 (situation where it is obvious from commercial designation and catch area that the species is caught at sea) it shall not be a contravention of Article 4(1) of Regulation 104/2000 to offer for retail sale to the final consumer any product to which Article 4(1) of Regulation 104/2000 applies without the product being marked or labelled with the production method.

Small quantities of products6


For the purposes of Article 4(1) of Regulation 104/2000, as read with Article 7 of Regulation 2065/2001, the small quantity of products which may be sold directly to consumers shall be products to a value not exceeding 20 Euro for each purchase.


For the purposes of paragraph (1) above, the reference to 20 Euro shall be taken to be a reference to the Sterling equivalent of that number of Euro, converted by reference to the rate of conversion published annually on the first working day of the preceding September in the C series of the Official Journal of the European Communities or, if no rate is published in it on that day, the first rate published in it thereafter.

Additional information relating to the catch area7

The indication of catch area required by Article 4(1)(c) of Regulation 104/2000 may, where the circumstances described in Article 5(1)(c) of Regulation 2065/2001 apply, indicate the various member States or third countries in which the product was farmed.

Provisional commercial designations8


For the purposes of Article 2 of Regulation 2065/2001 (provisional commercial designations), the Agency shall be the competent authority.


The Agency shall draw up and publish a list of provisional commercial designations laid down pursuant to the said Article 2.


Each food authority shall enforce and execute these Regulations within its area.

Application of various provisions of the Act10

The following provisions of the Act shall apply for the purposes of these Regulations, and for the purposes of those provisions of Regulation 104/2000 and Regulation 2065/2001 to which these Regulations relate in like manner as they apply for the purposes of the Act, and any reference in those provisions of the Act to the Act or Part thereof shall be construed for the purposes of these Regulations as including a reference to these Regulations and to those provisions of Regulation 104/2000 and Regulation 2065/2001 to which these Regulations relate–


section 3 (presumption that food is intended for human consumption);


section 20 (offences due to fault of another person);


section 21 (defence of due diligence) as it applies for the purposes of section 8, 14 or 15 of the Act;


section 30(8) (which relates to documentary evidence);


section 32 (powers of entry);


section 33 (obstruction etc. of officers);


section 35(1) to (3) (punishment of offences) in so far as it relates to offences under section 33(1) and (2) as applied by paragraph (f) above;


section 36 (offences by bodies corporate);


section 36A (offences by Scottish partnerships); and


section 44 (protection of officers acting in good faith).


Paragraph 1 of Schedule 1 (prescribed names of fish and shellfish) to the Food Labelling Regulations 1996 is omitted.

MARY MULLIGANAuthorised to sign by the Scottish MinistersSt Andrew’s House, Edinburgh


Regulation 4



Subject to sub-paragraphs (2) and (3) of this paragraph, the commercial designation for any species of fish specified in column 2 of the following Table shall be a name specified for that species in the corresponding entry in column 1 of the Table.


A customary name may be used for any species of fish which has been subjected to smoking or any similar process, unless the name of the species in column 2 of the following Table is followed by an asterisk. In such cases the name used for the food when the fish is smoked shall be either–


a name specified for that species in column 1 of the said Table preceded by the word “smoked”; or


except in the case of Salmo salar (L.), “smoked Pacific salmon”.


Sub-paragraph (1) of this paragraph, as read with the following Table, shall not apply to fish regulated by Council Regulation (EEC) No. 2136/898 laying down common marketing standards for preserved sardines, or Council Regulation (EEC) No. 1536/929 laying down common marketing standards for preserved tuna and bonito.

Column 1

Column 2

Commercial designation

Species of fish

Sea Fish


All species of the family Engraulidae


All species of Sphyraena


Lates calcarifer

Bass or Sea bass

Dicentrarchus labrax (L.)

Japanese sea bass

Lateolabrax japonicus

Spotted sea bass

Dicentrarchus punctatus

Southern rock bass

Paralabrax callaensis


All species of Priacanthus

Bluefish or Tailor

Pomatomus saltatrix


Boops boops


{All species of Sarda

{All species of Euthynnus, with the exception of Euthynnus (Katsuwonus) pelamis

{All species of Auxis


Scophthalmus rhombus (L.)


Sprattus sprattus (L.) when canned

Catfish or Rockfish or Wolffish

All species of Anarhichas


Rachycentron canadum

Cod or Codling

Gadus morhua

Pacific cod or Cod

Gadus macrocephalus

Greenland cod or Cod

Gadus ogac

Saffron cod

Eleginus gracilis

Red cod

Pseudophycis bachus

Blue cod

Parapercis colias

Coley or Saithe or Coalfish

Pollachius virens (L.)


All species of Conger

Croaker or Drum or Jewfish

All species of the family Sciaenidae


Limanda limanda (L.)

Yellowtail dab

Limanda ferruginea

Pacific sand dab

Citharichthys sordidus

Dogfish or Flake or Huss or Rigg or Rock Salmon or Rock Ee

{All species of Galeorhinus

{All species of Mustelus

{All species of Scyliorhinus

{Galeus melastomus

{Squalus acanthias (L.)

Dory or John Dory or St Peter’s fish

Zeus faber (L.)


All species of Anguilla


All species of Lethrinus

Escolar or Snake Mackerel

All species of the family Gempylidae


Platichthys flesus (L.)

Flying fish

All species of the family Exocoetidae


Ophiodon elongatus


{All species of Mycteroperca

{All species of Epinephelus


{All species of the family Triglidae Peristedion cataphractum (L.)


Melanogrammus aeglefinus (L.)


All species of Merluccius

Alternatively, the following may be used:-

Cape hake

{Merluccius capensis

{Merluccius paradoxus

White hake

Urophycis tenuis


{Hippoglossus hippoglossus (L.)

{Hippoglossus stenolepis

Black halibut or Mock halibut

Reinhardtius hippoglossoides (Walbaum)


Clupea harengus (L.)


Tenualosa ilisha


Macruronus novaezelandiae

Chilean hoki

Macruronus magellanicus

Jack or Scad or Horse Mackerel or Trevall

{All species of Caranx

{All species of Hemicaranx

{All species of Seriola

{All species of Trachurus

{All species of Decapterus


Genypterus capensis


All species of the family Elopidae


All species of Molva

Lumpfish or Lumpsucker

Cyclopterus lumpus


All species of Scomber

King Mackerel or Kingfish

Scomberomorus cavalla

Mahi Mahi

Coryphaena hippurus


All species of Makaira


All species of Lepidorhombus


Chanos chanos

Monk(fish) or Angler(fish

{Lophius piscatorius (L.)

{Lophius americanus

Cape monk(fish) or Cape angler(fish)

Lophius vomerinus

Red Mullet

All species of Mullus


All other species of the family Mullidae

Grey mullet

{All species of Mugil

{All species of Liza

{All species of Chelon

Opah or Moonfish

All species of Lampris

Orange roughy

Hoplostethus atlanticus


All species of the family Scaridae


Spicara smaris


Sardina pilchardus (Walbaum)

Pacific pilchard

Sardinops sagax which has been caught in the Pacific Ocean

South Atlantic pilchard

Sardinops sagax which has been caught in the South Atlantic Ocean


Pleuronectes platessa (L.)

American plaice

Hippoglossoides platessoides (Fabr.)

Pollack or Pollock or Lythe

Pollachius pollachius (L.)

Pacific pollack or Pacific pollock or Alaska pollack or Alaska pollock

Theragra chalcogramma (Pallas)

Pomfret or Butterfis

{All species of Brama

{All species of Stromateus

{All species of Pampus

Poor cod

Trisopterus minutus

Pout or Pout Whiting or Pouting or Bib

Trisopterus luscus

Rainbow runne

Elagatis bipinnulata

Redfish or Ocean perch or Rose fish

{All species of Sebastes

{All species of Helicolenus


Anoplopoma fimbria


All species of Istiophorus


Small Sardina pilchardus (Walbaum)


All species of Sardinella

Scabbard fish or Sabre or Sabre fish or Silver sabre or Black sabr

{Lepidopus caudatus

{Aphanopus carbo

Sea bream or Porg

All species of the family Sparidae except Boops boops


{Small Clupea harengus (L.), when canned

{Small Sprattus sprattus (L.), when canned

Skate or Ray or Roker

All species of Raja

Smelt or Sparling

All species of Osmerus


All species of the family Lutjanidae

Alternatively, the following may be used:-


{All species of Aphareus

{All species of Aprion

{All species of Pristipomoides


All species of Centropomus

Sole or Dover sole

Solea solea (L.)

Butter sole

Isopsetta isolepis

Californian sole

Parophrys vetulus

Lemon sole

Microstomus kitt (Walbaum)

Petrale sole

Eopsetta jordani

Rex sole or Long-finned sole

Glyptocephalus zachirus

Rock sole

Lepidopsetta bilineata

Pacific sole

Microstomus pacificus

Torbay sole or Witch

Glyptocephalus cynoglossus (L.)


Sprattus sprattus (L.), except when canned


Xiphias gladius


All species of the family Megalopidae

Threadfin bream

All species of Nemipterus

Toothfish or Icefish

{Dissostichus mawsoni

{Dissostichus eleginoides

Tuna or Tunny

All species of Thunnus

Skipjack tuna (or tuna)

Katsuwonus pelamis

Albacore tuna (or tuna)

Thunnus alalunga

Yellowfin tuna (or tuna)

Thunnus albacares

Bluefin tuna (or tuna)

Thunnus thynnus

Bigeye tuna (or tuna)

Thunnus obesus


Psetta maxima


Acanthocybium solandri


{Small Clupea harengus (L.)

{Small Sprattus sprattus (L.)

{(except when canned)


Merlangius merlangus (L.)

Blue whiting

Micromesistius poutassou (Risso)

Southern blue whiting

Micromesistius australis

Winter flounder

Pseudopleuronectes americanus (Walbaum)

Salmon and Freshwater Fish


Eutropiichthys vacha


Pseudeutropius atherinoides


All species of the family Cyprinidae

Alternatively the following may be used:-


Amblypharyngodon mola


Danio devario


Labeo bata


Labeo calbasu


Labeo gonius


Labeo rohita


Puntius sarana


Salmostoma bacaila

Catfish or American catfish or Channel catfish

All species of the family Ictaluridae


{All species of the family Clariidae

{All species of the family Siluridae

{All species of the family Bagridae

Alternatively the following may be used:-


Clarias batrachus


Mystus bleekeri


Mystus tengara


Mystus vittatus


Ompok pabda


Sperata aor


Wallago attu


Gudusia chapra


All species of Salvelinus


Xenentodon cancila


Corica soborna


Colisa fasciatus


Anabas testudineus


Mastacembelus armatus


Nandus nandus

Nile Perch

Lates niloticus

Pacific dory or Vietnamese sole

Pangasius bocourti


Macrognathus aculeatus

Queen fis

Botia dario

River cobbler

{Pangasius micronemus

{Pangasius hypophthalmus

Salmon or Atlantic salmon

Salmo salar (L.)*

Cherry salmon or Pacific salmon

Oncorhynchus masou masou*

Chum salmon or Keta salmon

Oncorhynchus keta (Walbaum)*

Medium red salmon or Coho salmon or Silver salmon

Oncorhynchus kisutch (Walbaum)*

Pink salmon

Oncorhynchus gorbuscha (Walbaum)*

Red salmon or Sockeye salmon

Oncorhynchus nerka (Walbaum)*

Spring salmon or King salmon or Chinook salmon or Pacific salmon

Oncorhynchus tshawytscha (Walbaum)*


Channa striata


Channa punctata


{All species of Tilapia

{All species of Oreochromis

Trout or Brown trout

Salmo trutta trutta (L.) which has spent all of its life in fresh water

Sea trout or Salmon trout

Salmo trutta trutta (L.) which has spent part of its life in sea water

Cut-throat trout or trout

Oncorhynchus clarki clarki

Rainbow trout or Steelhead trout or trout

Oncorhynchus mykiss


Abalone or Ormer

All species of Haliotis

Clam or Hard shell cla

{Mercenaria mercenaria (L.)

{Venus verrucosa (L.)

Clam or Razor clam

All species of Ensis and Solen

Geoduck or Geoduck clam

Panopea abrupta

Surf clam

All species of Spisula


All species of Cerastoderma


{All species of the order Brachyura

{All species of the family Lithodidae


{All species of the family Astacidae

{All species of the family Parastacidae

{All species of the family Austroastacidae

{All species of the family Cambaridae


{All species of Sepia

{Rossia macrosoma


All species of Homarus

Slipper lobster

All species of the family Scyllaridae

Squat lobster

All species of the family Galatheidae

Crawfish or Spiny lobster or Rock lobster

{All species of Panulirus

{All species of Palinurus

{All species of Jasus

Indian ocean lobster

Puerulus sewelli


All species of the family Mytilidae


All species of Octopus


{All species of Crassostrea

{All species of Ostrea

Oyster or Portuguese oyster

Crassostrea angulata (Lmk.)

Oyster or Pacific oyster or Rock oyster

Crassostrea gigas (Thunberg)

Oyster or Native oyster

Ostrea edulis (L.)

Prawn or Shrimp

{Whole fish (of a size which, when cooked, have a count of less than 397 per kg) or tails (of a size which, when peeled and cooked, have a count of less than 1,323 per kg) of–

  • {all species of the family Palaemonidae,

  • {all species of the family Penaeidae, and

  • {all species of the family Pandalidae

King prawn

{All species of the family Palaemonidae

{All species of the family Penaeidae

{where the count is less than

{123 per kg (head on/shell on) or less than

{198 per kg (head off/shell on) or less than

{242 per kg (head off/shell off)

Tiger prawn

{Penaeus monodon

{Penaeus semisulcatus

{Penaeus esculentus

{Penaeus kerathurus

{Penaeus japonicus

{Parapenaeopsis hardwickii

{Parapenaeopsis sculptilis

Scallop or King scallop

Pecten maximus

Atlantic scallop or Scallop

Placopecten magellanicus

Queen scallop or Queen or Scallop

Chlamys (Aequipecten) opercularis

Scallop or Common scallop

All species of the family Pectinidae

Scampi or Norway lobster or Dublin Bay prawn or Langoustine

Nephrops norvegicus (L.)

Pacific scampi

{Metanephrops andamanicus

{Metanephrops challengeri

{Metanephrops thomsoni


{Whole fish (of a size which, when cooked, have a count of 397 per kg or more) or tails (of a size which, when peeled and cooked, have a count of 1,323 per kg or more) of–

  • {all species of the family Palaemonidae,

  • {all species of the family Penaeidae, and

  • {all species of the family Pandalidae

Shrimp or Pink shrimp

Pandalus montagui

Shrimp or Brown shrim

All species of Crangon


{All species of Loligo

{All species of Illex

{Ommastrephes sagittatus

Arrow squid

{Nototodarus sloani

{Nototodarus gouldi


All species of Buccinum


All species of Littorina

(This note is not part of the Regulations)

These Regulations, which extend to Scotland only, make provision to give effect to:

  • Chapter 2 of Title I of Council Regulation (EC) 104/2000 on the common organisation of the markets in fishery and aquaculture products; and

  • Commission Regulation (EC) 2065/2001 laying down detailed rules on the application of Council Regulation (EC) 104/2000 as regards informing consumers about fishery and aquaculture products.

Chapter 2 of Title I of Council Regulation (EC) 104/2000 imposes requirements regarding the provision of information about the commercial designation, production method and catch area of certain fishery and aquaculture products offered for retail sale to the final consumer. It further requires Member States to draw up and publish a list of commercial designations for at least the species listed in Annex I to IV of the Regulation. Commission Regulation (EC) 2065/2001 describes in more detail the information to be provided to consumers and the exemptions which are allowed. It also provides for the necessary information to be provided at each stage of the marketing process.

These Regulations–

  • provide a list of the commercial designations required to be drawn up by the United Kingdom (regulation 4 and the Schedule) and further provide for the granting of provisional commercial designations (regulation 8);

  • make provision as to the relaxation of the requirements in certain circumstances in relation to information about the production method (regulation 5), in the case of direct sales of small quantities to consumers by fishermen or aquaculture producers (regulation 6) and with regard to the inclusion of additional information about catch area (regulation 7);

  • create offences and prescribe penalties (regulation 3), specify enforcement authorities (regulation 9) and incorporate specified provisions of the Food Safety Act 1990 (regulation 10);

  • revoke the fish labelling requirements set out in paragraph 1 of Schedule 1 to the Food Labelling Regulations 1996 (regulation 11).

A Regulatory Impact Assessment, which includes a compliance cost assessment of the effect which these Regulations would have on business costs, has been prepared and placed in the Scottish Parliament Information Centre. Copies can be obtained on request from the Food Standards Agency, 6th floor, St Magnus House, 25 Guild Street, Aberdeen AB11 6NJ.