The Pet Travel Scheme (Scotland) Order 2003

4.—(1) Any animal brought into Scotland must be accompanied by two official health certificates, one relating to rabies vaccination and one relating to treatment for Echinococcus multilocularis and ticks.

(2) The official health certificates–

(a)shall be signed in relation to rabies by an official veterinary surgeon of a country specified in paragraph 1 of this Schedule 1 or paragraph 1 of Schedule 5 , the British Islands or the Republic of Ireland certifying that the certificate is accurate and shall be stamped by the official veterinary surgeon with an official stamp indicating that that person is an official veterinary surgeon;

(b)shall be signed in relation to Echinococcus multilocularis and ticks by a veterinary surgeon entitled to practise veterinary medicine in the country in which the treatment is administered.

(3) The official health certificate relating to rabies vaccination shall contain the information specified in Schedule 2.

(4) The official health certificate relating to Echinococcus multilocularis and ticks shall state–

(a)the date and time of the treatment; and

(b)the treatment used.

(5) In addition to the official health certificates, the person bringing the animal into Scotland in accordance with this Order shall, at the time the animal is brought in, carry a written, signed declaration in English in, or as near as may be to, the form set out in Part I of Schedule 3 that the animal has not been outside the territories set out in Part II of that Schedule in the period of six months immediately preceding the date on which it is brought into Scotland.