SCHEDULE 4Transitional Provisions

PART 3Used cooking oil in animal feed(1)

Collection and transportation of used cooking oil

8.—(1) Used cooking oil shall be collected and transported in lidded containers or leak proof vehicles and identified in such a way that the contents, even after mixing, are traceable to all the premises of origin.

(2) Collectors shall take all necessary measures to ensure that the used cooking oil collected is free from contamination by harmful substances.

(3) Reusable containers, and all reusable items of equipment or appliances that come into contact with used cooking oil, shall be cleaned, washed and disinfected after each use.

(4) Vehicles or containers which carry any material which could contaminate the used cooking oil shall be thoroughly cleansed and disinfected before they are used to carry used cooking oil.


This Part of the Schedule enforces Commission Decision 2003/320/EC on transitional measures under Regulation (EC) No. 1774/2002 of the European Parliament and of the Council as regards the use in feed of used cooking oils, O.J. No. L 117, 13.5.2003, p. 24.