Article 11(3)

PART IMeasures which apply in a protection zone

Movement Restrictions


Subject to paragraph 3 below, no person may move or transport any pig on any public or private road (other than, when necessary, the service roads within a holding) within a protection zone.


Subject to paragraph 3 below, no person may move out of a protection zone any vehicle which has been used to transport any pig within that zone, unless–


that vehicle has been cleansed and disinfected under the direction and supervision of an inspector; and


the movement has been authorised by an inspector.


The prohibitions in paragraphs 1 and 2 above shall not apply–


if the movement is a licensed movement in accordance with paragraph 6;


to the transport of any pig which is loaded on to a vehicle or train outside that protection zone and is transported through that zone by means of an uninterrupted journey without the vehicle or train being loaded or unloaded;


to the movement or transport of any pig from outside that protection zone, with a view to immediate slaughter in a slaughterhouse situated inside that zone, provided that movement or transport has been licensed by a veterinary inspector or an inspector acting under the direction of a veterinary inspector.


The occupier of a holding within a protection zone shall ensure that no other species of domestic animal enters or leaves that holding unless authorised to do so by a licence issued by a veterinary inspector or an inspector acting under the direction of a veterinary inspector.


No person shall remove any pig semen, or the ovum or embryo of a pig from a holding, slaughterhouse, knacker’s yard or other place within a protection zone.


Where an infected area has been established following confirmation of the disease upon a holding, no person shall move any pig off that holding for at least 30 days after the completion of the preliminary cleansing and disinfection of that holding. Thereafter no person shall so move any pig unless licensed to do so by a veterinary inspector or an inspector acting under the direction of a veterinary inspector.




a holding has been within a protection zone for longer than 30 days as a result of further outbreaks of the disease within that zone; and


this has given rise to welfare or other problems in keeping pigs on the holding,

pigs may be moved off that holding provided that any such movement is authorised by a licence issued by a veterinary inspector or an inspector acting under the direction of a veterinary inspector.

Notification of dead or diseased pigs on a holding or other place8

The occupier of any holding, slaughterhouse, knacker’s yard or other place within a protection zone shall notify the Divisional Veterinary Manager about any dead or diseased pig on those premises.

Bio security


The person in charge of any vehicle or equipment used for the transport of any pig or other livestock, or of material which may have been contaminated with the virus (including carcases, feeding stuffs, manure, slurry, utensils or waste) shall ensure that that vehicle or equipment is cleansed and disinfected as soon as possible after use and before it is used again under the direction and supervision of a veterinary inspector or an inspector acting under the direction of a veterinary inspector.


No person shall enter or leave any holding, slaughterhouse, knacker’s yard or other place within a protection zone wearing clothing or footwear which is visibly contaminated with mud, slurry, animal faeces, droppings or excretions or any other similar matter unless that person cleanses and disinfects the outer surfaces of that clothing or footwear on entering or leaving those premises.

PART IIMeasures which apply in a surveillance zone

Movement restrictions


Subject to paragraph 13, no person shall move or transport any pig on any public or private road (other than, where necessary, the service roads of holdings) within a surveillance zone unless licensed to do so by a veterinary inspector or by an inspector acting under the direction of a veterinary inspector.


Subject to paragraph 13, no person shall move any vehicle from a surveillance zone if it has been used to transport pigs, unless it has first been cleansed and disinfected.


The prohibition in paragraphs 11 and 12 shall not apply–


to the transport of any pig which is loaded on to a vehicle or train outside that surveillance zone and is transported through that zone by means of an uninterrupted journey without that vehicle or train being loaded or unloaded in that zone; or


to the movement or transport of any pig from outside that surveillance zone with a view to immediate slaughter in a slaughterhouse within that zone, provided that movement or transport has been licensed by a veterinary inspector or an inspector acting under the direction of a veterinary inspector.


The occupier of any holding within a surveillance zone shall ensure that no other species of domestic animal enters or leaves that holding within seven days of the establishment of that zone unless licensed to do so by an inspector.


No person shall remove any pig semen, or the ovum or embryo of a pig from a holding, slaughterhouse, knacker’s yard or other place within a surveillance zone.

Movement of pigs


Where an infected area has been established following confirmation of the disease on a holding, until that holding has been cleansed and disinfected no person shall move any pig off any other holding in the surveillance zone forming part of that infected area for at least 21 days. Thereafter no person shall move any pig off any other holding unless licensed to do so by a veterinary inspector or an inspector acting under the direction of a veterinary inspector.


Where –


a holding has been within a surveillance zone for more than 30 days as a result of further outbreaks of the disease within that zone; and


this has given rise to welfare or other problems in keeping pigs on the holding,

pigs may be moved off that holding provided that the movement is licensed by a veterinary inspector or an inspector acting under the direction of a veterinary inspector.

Bio security


The person in charge of any vehicle or equipment used to transport any pig, other livestock, or material which may be contaminated with the virus (including carcases, feeding stuffs, manure, slurry, utensils and waste) shall ensure that the vehicle or equipment is cleansed and disinfected as soon as possible after use and before it is used again in accordance with the directions of a veterinary inspector or an inspector acting under the direction of a veterinary inspector.


No person shall enter or leave any holding, slaughterhouse, knacker’s yard or other place within the surveillance zone wearing clothing or footwear which is visibly contaminated with mud, slurry, animal faeces, droppings or excretions or any other similar matter unless that person cleanses and disinfects the outer surfaces of that clothing or footwear on entering or leaving those premises.

Notification of dead or diseased pigs on a holding, slaughterhouse, knacker’s yard or other place20

The occupier of any holding, slaughterhouse, knacker’s yard or other place within a surveillance zone shall notify the Divisional Veterinary Manager about any dead or diseased pigs on those premises.


Article 14(2)

PART IMeasures which apply to holdings and other places in the infected area

Census of feral pigs1

The occupier shall co-operate with any veterinary inspector in the preparation of a census consisting of a record by category of feral pigs kept by that occupier and shall ensure that the census is kept up to date and made available for inspection, on request, to an inspector. In any case where feral pigs are not kept within any premises, the first census prepared by that occupier may be based on an estimate.

Isolation of pigs2

The occupier of any holding shall ensure that–


all pigs on that holding are restricted to their living quarters or to some other part of the holding where they can be isolated from feral pigs; and


feral pigs are prevented from gaining access to any material that might come into contact with pigs on that holding.

Movement of feral pigs3

No person shall move a feral pig or the carcase of a feral pig onto or off any holding unless licensed to do so by a veterinary inspector.


The occupier shall ensure that appropriate means of disinfection are provided and used at the entrances and exits of those parts of any holding, slaughterhouse, knacker’s yard or other place in which any pig is being kept and of those premises.

Dead or diseased feral pigs5

The occupier shall notify the Divisional Veterinary Manager of any dead or diseased feral pig on any holding or other place and shall retain the carcase of any dead feral pig on that holding or other place until that occupier receives notification from a veterinary inspector that it is no longer necessary to do so.

Feral pigs6

No person shall bring on to a holding, slaughterhouse, or knacker’s yard in the infected area–


the carcase of a feral pig; or


any material or equipment which could have had contact with a feral pig in the infected area.

PART IIMeasures which apply in the infected area

Export of pigs, semen, ova or embryos from the infected area7

No person shall move any pig, or any pig semen, or the ovum or embryo of a pig from the infected area for the purpose of export to another Member State.

Notification of feral pig carcases8

Any person who shoots, or finds the carcase of, a feral pig in an infected area shall inform the Divisional Veterinary Manager as soon as reasonably practicable and in any event within 24 hours. Any person who has shot such a pig shall keep its carcase for at least 24 hours and make it available to the Divisional Veterinary Manager for any sampling or testing which the Divisional Veterinary Manager may consider appropriate.