Amendment of the Civil Legal Aid (Scotland) Regulations 20023

For regulation 23(1) substitute–


It shall be the duty of an applicant or assisted person, and a solicitor or counsel acting on behalf of an applicant or assisted person where the facts are within the solicitor’s or counsel’s knowledge, immediately to inform the Board of–


any change in that applicant’s or assisted person’s circumstances, financial or otherwise;


any change in the circumstances, financial or otherwise, so far as known to that applicant or assisted person, of any other person with whom that applicant or assisted person is jointly concerned, or who has the same interest in, the matter; or


any circumstance, financial or otherwise, which may affect the Board’s determination that the applicant or assisted person has probabilis causa litigandi, or that it is reasonable in the particular circumstances of the case that that person should receive, or continue to receive, legal aid.