Amendment of the Budget (Scotland) Act 2003

2.—(1) The Budget (Scotland) Act 2003 is amended in accordance with paragraphs (2) to (6) of this article.

(2) In section 3 (overall cash authorisations)–

(a)for “£20,299,027,000” substitute “£21,219,337,000”;

(b)for “£88,752,000” substitute “£49,116,000”;

(c)for “£6,100,000” substitute “£6,435,000”;

(d)for “£202,930,000” substitute “£250,154,000”; and

(e)for “£5,744,000” substitute “£8,286,000”.

(3) In section 5(1) (capital expenditure of, and borrowing by, certain statutory bodies) for “£631,600,000” substitute “£530,160,000”.

(4) In schedule 1–

(a)in column 1 (purpose)–

(i)in relation to the first purpose after “heritage;” insert “pension contributions;”;

(ii)in relation to the second purpose–

(aa)delete from “roads ” to “rail grants;”;

(bb)delete from the second “expenditure” to “schemes;”; and

(cc)at the end insert “; charity law regulations”;

(iii)in relation to the third purpose delete “early education;”;

(iv)in relation to the fourth purpose–

(aa)after the first “Enterprise” insert “, Transport”; and

(bb)at the end insert “; European Structural Fund grants to public corporations, non-departmental public bodies, local authorities and other bodies and organisations; roads and certain associated services, including the acquisition of land, lighting and road safety; assistance to local transport; support for transport services in the highlands and islands; piers and harbours; grant aid to British Waterways Board in respect of Scotland’s inland waterways; funding for most of the rail services in Scotland; other rail grants; certain other transport services and grants; expenditure relating to Highlands and Islands Airports Limited and the privatisation of the Scottish Bus Group; grants to local authorities forming part of the Strathclyde Passenger Transport Area; miscellaneous costs in relation to ports and harbours; payments to former members of Scottish Transport Group pension schemes”;

(v)in relation to the fifth purpose after “community care;” insert “payments to Inland Revenue;”;

(vi)in relation to the tenth purpose delete from “European” to “organisations;”; and

(vii)in relation to the eleventh purpose delete from “;costs of” to the end;

(b)in column 2 (amount of resources other than accruing resources)–

(i)in relation to the first purpose for “£1,033,353,000” substitute “£1,219,537,000”;

(ii)in relation to the second purpose for “£2,151,214,000” substitute “£1,306,943,000”;

(iii)in relation to the third purpose for “£590,602,000” substitute “£650,114,000”;

(iv)in relation to the fourth purpose for “£2,334,553,000” substitute “£3,805,656,000”;

(v)in relation to the fifth purpose for “£6,666,228,000” substitute “£6,656,985,000”;

(vi)in relation to the sixth purpose for “£1,161,964,000” substitute “£1,212,383,000”;

(vii)in relation to the seventh purpose for “£226,966,000” substitute “£237,077,000”;

(viii)in relation to the eighth purpose for “£7,942,000” substitute “£9,225,000”;

(ix)in relation to the ninth purpose for “£8,286,000” substitute “£10,036,000”;

(x)in relation to the tenth purpose for “£7,180,569,000” substitute “£7,153,531,000”; and

(xi)in relation to the eleventh purpose for “£86,850,000” substitute “£88,489,000”;

(c)in column 3 (type of accruing resource)–

(i)in relation to the fourth type of accruing resources insert after “Enterprise” “and Caledonian MacBrayne; the repayment of Student Loans; and sale of property, land and equipment; repayment of loans”; and

(ii)in relation to the eleventh type of accruing resources for “miscellaneous income” substitute “sale of assets”; and

(d)in column 4 (amount of accruing resouces)–

(i)in relation to the first purpose for “£27,748,000” substitute “£68,046,000”;

(ii)in relation to the second purpose for “£750,000” substitute “£100”;

(iii)in relation to the third purpose for “£100” substitute “£1,305,000”;

(iv)in relation to the fourth purpose for “£47,133,000” substitute “£48,742,000”;

(v)in relation to the sixth purpose for “£366,000” substitute “£1,276,000”; and

(vi)in relation to the eleventh purpose for “£100” substitute “£10,000”.

(5) In schedule 2–

(a)in Part 1, in column 1, in relation to the first type, from “and Fisheries” to “under” substitute “under a”;

(b)in Part 1, in column 1, in relation to the second type, from “European” to the end substitute “receipts from the Meat and Livestock Commission under Ministerial Direction”;

(c)in Part 1, in column 1, in relation to the third type, delete from “EU” to the end;

(d)in Part 1, in column 1, in relation to the fourth type, delete from “payments” to the end;

(e)in Part 1, in column 2, in relation to the first type, delete “ and FRS”;

(f)in Part 1, for the overall amount of “£50,000,000” substitute “£88,400,000”;

(g)in Part 2, in column 1–

(i)delete entries 2 and 3;

(ii)in entry 6 after “councils” insert “and Registered Social Landlords”; and

(iii)in entry 7 after “sales” insert “following housing stock transfer”;

(h)in Part 2, in column 2, delete entries 2 and 3;

(i)in Part 2, after entry 8 insert–

9.  Receipts from Energy Action Grant Agency in respect of energy efficiency matters

Expenditure on Central Heating Programme;

(j)in Part 2, for the overall amount of “£44,870,000” substitute “£60,000,000”;

(k)in Part 3, in column 1, in relation to the first type, delete “and early education”;

(l)in Part 3, after entry 3 insert–

4.  Recovery of costs from Youthlink

Expenditure on education services

5.  Income from sales and grants in respect of the Royal Commission on Ancient and Historical Monuments of Scotland

Expenditure on tourism and culture;

(m)in Part 3, for the overall amount of “£21,000,000” substitute “£28,000,000”;

(n)in Part 4–

(i)after entry 3, insert–

4.  Income from European Structural Funds

Expenditure on projects supported by European Union funding

5.  Rents from land and property; Erskine Bridge toll income; income from administering harbours orders

Expenditure on motorways and trunk roads; expenditure on miscellaneous costs in relation to ports and harbours

6.  Any sums accruing as a result of the dissolution of Scottish Transport Group

Payments to former members of Scottish Transport Group pensions schemes;

(ii)for the overall amount of “£95,000,000” substitute “£125,000,000”;

(o)in Part 6, for the overall amount of “£24,964,000” substitute “£28,000,000”;

(p)in Part 8, in column 1–

(i)in relation to entry 1, from the second “sales” to “income” substitute “royalties from sales on the internet; reapportioned income”;

(ii)in relation to entry 2, after “services;” insert “ reapportioned”;

(iii)in relation to entry 3, after “Register;” where it second occurs insert “reapportioned”; and

(iv)in relation to entry 4, from the second “sales” to “income” substitute “income from sales of population statistics; reapportioned income”;

(q)in Part 8, for the overall amount of “£3,000,000” substitute “£3,700,000”;

(r)in Part 9–

(i)in column 1, for the words from “binding” to the end substitute “specialist services; income from Registers of Scotland Executive Agency for associated services; external advertising on General Register House”; and

(ii)for the overall amount of “£1,000,000” substitute “£800,000”;

(s)in Part 10–

(i)for entry 1 substitute–

1.  Income from marketing

Expenditure on marketing;

(ii)for the overall amount of “£951,814,000” substitute “£952,314,000”; and

(t)in Part 11, for the overall amount of “£175,000” substitute “£300,000”.

(6) In schedule 3, in column 2 (amount of resources other than accruing resources)–

(a)in relation to the first purpose, for “£73,104,000” substitute “£75,385,000”;

(b)in relation to the second purpose, for “£6,100,000” substitute “£6,500,000”;

(c)in relation to the third purpose, for “£185,834,000” substitute “£269,958,000”; and

(d)in relation to the fourth purpose, for “£6,199,000” substitute “£8,741,000”.