Amendment of regulation 24.
In regulation 2 (interpretation)–
in the definition of “delivery” for “Article 9(g)” substitute “Article 5(f)”;
in the definition of “direct sale” for “Article 9(h)” substitute “Article 5(g)”;
““direct sales quota holder” means a person in whose name direct sales quota is registered;”;
in the definition of “holding” for “Article 9(d)” substitute “Article 5(d)”;
in the definition of “producer” for “Article 9(c)” substitute “Article 5(c)”;
in the definition of “purchaser” for “Article 9(e)” substitute “Article 5(e)”;
in the definition of “quota year” for “Article 1” substitute “Article 1(1)”;
““Scottish Islands area” means either–
the islands of Orkney, except for the island of Stronsay; or
the islands of Jura, Gigha, Arran, Bute, Great Cumbrae and Little Cumbrae, the Kintyre peninsula south of Tarbert and the areas of land comprising those parts of the parishes of Dunoon and Kilmun and of Inverchaolain in the Argyll and Bute District shown bounded by a red line on a map marked “Map referred to in sub paragraph (b) of the definition of Scottish Islands area in regulation 2 of the Dairy Produce Quotas (Scotland) Regulations 2002, as amended by regulation 4(h)(b) of the Dairy Produce Quotas (Scotland) Amendment Regulations 2004” dated 5 March 2004, signed on behalf of the Scottish Ministers and deposited at the offices of the Scottish Executive Environment and Rural Affairs Department at Pentland House, 47 Robb’s Loan, Edinburgh, EH14 1TY;”; and
“wholesale quota holder” means a person in whose name wholesale quota is registered.”.