The Freedom of Information (Fees for Required Disclosure) (Scotland) Regulations 2004

Aggregation of costs

6.  Where two or more requests for information are made to a Scottish public authority by different persons, the authority need not comply with either or any of those requests where–

(a)the information sought in the requests covers the same subject matter or overlaps to a significant extent;

(b)the authority estimates that the total cost of complying with both or all of the requests would exceed the prescribed amount;

(c)the authority considers that it would be reasonable to make the information available to the public at large and elects to do so;

(d)within 20 working days of receipt by it of the first of the requests the authority notifies each of the persons making the requests that the information is to be made available in accordance with paragraph (e); and

(e)the authority makes the information available to the public at large within the period specified in paragraph (d).