

Citation and commencement

1.—(1) This Order may be cited as the Inverness Harbour Revision (Works) Order 2005 and shall come into force on 4th October 2005

(2) The Inverness Harbour Acts and Orders 1808 to 2002 and this Order may be cited together as The Inverness Harbour Acts and Orders 1808 to 2005 (hereinafter referred to as “The Harbour Acts and Orders”).


2.—(1) In this Order–

“deposited plan and section” means the plan and section prepared in triplicate, signed on behalf of The Scottish Ministers and marked “Plan and sections referred to in Article 2 of The Inverness Harbour Revision (Works) Order 2005” of which one is deposited at the Offices of The Scottish Ministers and the other at the Harbour Office of the Trustees;

“harbour” means the port and harbour of Inverness as defined by the Harbour Acts and Orders;

“level of high water” means the level of mean high water springs;

“limits of deviation” means the limits of deviation shown on the deposited plans;

“tidal work” means so much of any work authorised by this Order as is on, under or over tidal waters or tidal lands below the level of high water;

“Trustees” means The Trustees of the Harbour of Inverness;

“undertaking” means the undertaking of the Trustees for the time being authorised;

“works” means the works authorised by this Order or, as the case may require, any part thereof.

(2) This Order shall be read as if the words “or thereabouts” were inserted after each distance mentioned in Article 3 of this Order.