Notice of Hearing25


The Secretary shall, after consultation with the parties, fix the date, time and place of the hearing and, not less than 10 working days (or such shorter time as the parties may agree) before the date so fixed, send to each party a notice that the hearing is to be at such time and at such place or notify them in such other manner as the Secretary thinks fit.


The Secretary shall include in or with the notice of hearing–


information and guidance as to attendance at the hearing of the parties, their witnesses and any persons whom they may wish to be present at the hearing in support, the lodging of documents, and the right of representation or assistance as provided for in rule 32(4);


a statement explaining the possible consequences of non-attendance by a party, unless that party has stated in writing that they wish to withdraw the reference or withdraw the response, and of the consequences of the failure to name a representative or witness whom the party may wish to attend;


an invitation to notify the Secretary if a party or a witness may require the attendance of an interpreter or other person to give other necessary assistance at the hearing or may require any other particular arrangements to be made; and


a statement explaining the right to make representations in writing provided for under rule 27(6) by–


an appellant who does not attend and is not represented at the hearing; or


an authority if they are not represented at the hearing and if they have submitted a response, unless they have stated in writing that they do not resist the reference or have withdrawn opposition to the reference.


The Secretary may alter the date, time or place of any hearing provided that the parties are given at least 5 working days notice (or such shorter time as the parties may agree) of any altered hearing date, time or place.


An altered hearing date shall not (unless the parties so agree) be earlier than the date previously fixed.


Nothing in this rule shall oblige the Secretary, in relation to the arrangements for any hearing, to consult with or send notice to any party who is not entitled to be present or represented at that hearing.


In this rule “working day” has the meaning given to it in rule 2 except that it includes any day in July which is not a Saturday, a Sunday or a day specified as a bank holiday in accordance with these Rules.