The Public Contracts (Scotland) Regulations 2006


2.  In relation to procedures for the award of a public works contract the following are the appropriate professional or trade registers for the purposes of regulation 23(1)(j)–

  • in Austria, the Firmenbuch, the Gewerberegister, the Mitgliederverzeichnisse der Landeskammern;

  • in Belgium, the Registre du commerce/Handelsregister;

  • in Denmark, the Erhvervs-og Selskabsstyrelsen;

  • in Finland, the Kaupparekisteri/Handelsregistret;

  • in France, the Registre du commerce et des societes or the Repertoire des metiers;

  • in Germany, the Handelsregister and the Handwerksrolle;

  • in Greece, the Μητρώο ΕρολπτιΧών Επιχερήσεων ΜΕΕΠ of the Ministry for Environment, Town and Country Planning and Public Works (ΥΠΕΚΩΔΕ);

  • in Iceland, the Firmaskrá

  • in Italy, the Registro della Camera di commercio, industria, agricoltura e artigianato;

  • in Luxembourg, the Registre aux firmes and the Rôle de la chambre des metiers;

  • in the Netherlands, the Handelsregister;

  • in Norway, the Foretaksregisteret;

  • in Portugal, the Instituto dos Mercados de Obras Públicas e Particulares e do Imobiliário (IMOPPI) (CAEOPP);

  • in Spain, the Registro Official de Empresas Clasificadas del Ministerio de Hacienda; and

  • in Sweden, aktiebolags-, handels- eller föreningsregistren.