

Application for an eye examination

22.—(1) A person who wishes to have an eye examination under general ophthalmic services may make an application to any ophthalmic medical practitioner or optician on the Ophthalmic List for an eye examination.

(2) The application shall be made on an eye examination form provided for that purpose to contractors by the Board and shall contain a written declaration signed by the applicant.

(3) An ophthalmic medical practitioner or optician to whom an application for an eye examination is made shall, before carrying out an eye examination–

(a)ensure that particulars of the patient and the approximate date of the patient’s last eye examination, if any, are inserted in an eye examination form by the patient or on his or her behalf; and

(b)be satisfied that the eye examination is necessary.

(4) Where the ophthalmic medical practitioner or optician has provided the eye examination at a place where the patient resides, the ophthalmic medical practitioner or optician shall record on the eye examination form the physical or mental illness or disability given by or on behalf of the patient as the reason for the patient not being able to leave home unaccompanied.

Application on behalf of children or incapable persons

23.—(1) Subject to paragraph (2), an application for an eye examination under general ophthalmic services in terms of these regulations shall be made and a signature required by these regulations shall be given–

(a)on behalf of any person under 16 years of age by either parent, or in the absence of both parents, the guardian or other adult person who has the care of the child;

(b)on behalf of any other person who is incapable of making such an application or giving such a signature by–

(i)an adult relative,

(ii)any other adult who has the care of that person, or

(iii)any other adult competent to make such an application or give such a signature in accordance with any rule of law;

(c)on behalf of any person under the age of 18–

(i)who is looked after by a local authority within the meaning of section 17(6) of the Children (Scotland) Act 1995(1), by a person duly authorised by that authority;

(ii)in the care of a voluntary organisation, by that organisation or by a person authorised by it.

(2) A signature on an application may not be given by a contractor or any person employed by a contractor, or who assists a contractor in providing general ophthalmic services.