Premises at which general ophthalmic services are to be provided
Subject to sub paragraph (2), a contractor shall provide general ophthalmic services or cause such services to be provided by an ophthalmic medical practitioner or optician who assists in the provision of general ophthalmic services F1at the addresses of all the practice premises which are included in relation to the contractor in the Ophthalmic List.
A contractor described in sub-paragraph (1) may, from time to time, provide general ophthalmic services or cause such services to be provided from the practice premises using remote facilities.
An ophthalmic medical practitioner or optician on the Ophthalmic List may, where requested to do so by or on behalf of a patient, who is–
unable to leave home unaccompanied because of physical or mental illness or disability, agree to provide general ophthalmic services or assist in the provision of general ophthalmic services at the place at which the patient normally resides; or
attending a day centre, agree to provide general ophthalmic services or assist in the provision of general ophthalmic services at that day centre.
An ophthalmic medical practitioner or optician described in sub-paragraph (2) may, from time to time, provide general ophthalmic services or assist in the provision of general ophthalmic services using remote facilities.