Grants to be made

8.  Subject to the provisions of this Scheme, the Scottish Ministers may make a grant under this Part of this Scheme to a crofter or eligible occupier in respect of any contribution made by him under any such agreement as is referred to in section 47 of the Roads (Scotland) Act 1984(1) towards the expenses of the provision of a cattle grid for the purpose of aiding and developing agricultural production, in the case of a crofter, on his croft and, in the case of an eligible occupier, on the croft or holding or part of a croft, as the case may be, in respect of which he is the eligible occupier.

Application for and conditions of grant

9.—(1) Any application by a crofter or eligible occupier for a grant under this Part of this Scheme shall be made in such form and manner and at such time as the Scottish Ministers may from time to time require and the applicant shall furnish all such particulars and information relating to the cattle grid provided or proposed to be provided as the Scottish Ministers may require.

(2) Any grant which may be made under this Part of this Scheme shall be subject to such conditions as may be intimated in writing to the applicant by the Scottish Ministers at the time of the making of the grant.

Amount of grant

10.  Subject to the provisions of this Scheme, and to the provisions of paragraph 6, the amount of any grant payable under this Part of this Scheme shall not exceed a sum equal to 40% of the contribution or 50% of the contribution within the less favoured areas in respect of which it is to be made.