Articles 8(3), 8(5), 9(1) and (2) 10(2), 13(7) and 16(3)

SCHEDULE 2SMeasures applicable to premises on suspicion or confirmation of disease

Record keepingS

1.—(1) Subject to sub paragraph (4), the occupier shall create and maintain the following records in respect of the premises–

(a)the number of each species of animal;

(b)for each species of susceptible animal, the number of dead animals, the number suspected of being infected and the number suspected of being contaminated; and

(c)the stock of milk, milk products, meat, meat products, carcases, hides and skins, wool, semen, embryos, ova, slurry, manure, fodder and used litter,

and immediately communicate such records to [F1an authorised veterinary inspector] in the form required.

(2) Records shall be kept in a form approved for the purpose by the Scottish Ministers.

(3) The occupier shall–

(a)maintain the records kept under sub paragraph (1)(a) and by updating them within 24 hours of any change;

(b)communicate changes to the records kept under sub paragraphs (1)(a) and (b) (including new births and deaths) within 24 hours; and

(c)make all such records available to an inspector on demand, for verification by such inspector, at each visit to the premises.

(4) This paragraph does not apply to any person subject to paragraph 1 of Schedule 4.

Signs publicising infection or suspicionS

2.  The occupier shall ensure that–

(a)any signs supplied by the Department are displayed in a conspicuous place at the main entrance to the premises or as directed by an inspector; or

(b)if no signs have been supplied by the Department, a sign reading “FOOT-AND-MOUTH DISEASE KEEP OUT” in block letters at least 10cm high is erected and maintained at every entrance to the premises.

Isolation, removal and detention of susceptible animalsS

3.—(1) The occupier shall ensure that susceptible animals are kept in their living quarters or otherwise isolated from persons not attending them and from non-susceptible animals.

(2) On service of a notice by an inspector requiring it the occupier shall–

(a)isolate any specified animal or group of animals from all other animals on such part of the premises as is specified; or

(b)remove any specified animal or group of animals from such part of the premises as is specified and detain that animal or those animals on such other part of the premises as is specified.

(3) No person shall move any animal isolated or detained under a notice served under sub paragraph (2) except under the authority of a licence granted by an inspector.

Movement of susceptible animalsS

4.—(1) Subject to the provisions of this paragraph no person shall move any susceptible animal on to or off the premises.

(2) The prohibition in sub paragraph (1) does not apply to susceptible animals leaving contact premises (other than contact premises in a temporary control zone)–

(a)under the authority of a licence granted by an inspector and after the incubation periods for all susceptible animals on the premises have elapsed, calculated from the date of imposition of the measures in this Schedule; or

(b)where the movement is direct to a slaughterhouse for emergency slaughter and is under the authority of a licence granted by an inspector.

(3) No inspector shall grant a licence under sub paragraph (2)(b) unless the inspector is satisfied that the animals to be moved have been clinically examined by a veterinary inspector with a negative result and the slaughterhouse is the nearest slaughterhouse to the premises with capacity to slaughter the animals.

(4) The person in charge of any vehicle used to move susceptible animals under the authority of a licence granted under sub paragraph (2)(b) shall ensure that it is cleansed and disinfected without delay in accordance with article 45.

(5) The prohibition in sub paragraph (1) shall not apply to animals entering or leaving free units (other than free units in a temporary control zone).

(6) The prohibition in sub paragraph (1) shall not apply to the movement of animals from infected premises for slaughter under the authority of a licence granted by the Scottish Ministers due to the existence of exceptional circumstances.

(7) The prohibition in sub paragraph (1) shall not apply to movement from one part of premises to another part of the same premises using a public highway if it is authorised by a licence granted by a veterinary inspector or by an inspector at the direction of a veterinary inspector.

Movement of things liable to transmit diseaseS

5.—(1) Subject to the provisions of this paragraph, no person shall move from the premises any meat, carcase, meat product, milk, milk product, semen, ovum or embryo of a susceptible animal.

(2) Where the Scottish Ministers are satisfied that, due to storage difficulties, it is not reasonable to require milk to be kept on the premises, they may–

(a)serve a notice requiring that milk is destroyed on the premises; or

(b)grant a licence authorising milk to be transported under veterinary supervision from the premises to the nearest place available for disposal or treatment to destroy disease.

(3) Transport of milk under the authority of a licence granted under sub paragraph (2)(b) shall be carried out in a vehicle which an inspector has approved as equipped to ensure that there is no risk of spreading disease.

(4) If the Scottish Ministers grant a licence under sub-paragraph (2)(b), they shall serve a notice on the person in charge of the premises to which milk is transported directing the method of disposal or treatment.

Movement of fodderS

6.  No person shall move from the premises or cause or permit to be moved any fodder, utensils, wool, hide or skin, bristles, animal waste, slurry, manure or any other thing liable to transmit disease except under the authority of a licence granted by the Scottish Ministers.

Movement of persons on to or off the premisesS

7.  No person shall enter or leave the premises unless–

(a)his principal residence is a dwelling on the premises;

(b)his place of employment is the premises;

(c)it is necessary for the provision of emergency services; or

(d)he is authorised to do so by a licence granted by the Scottish Ministers.

Cleansing and disinfection of clothing, etcS

8.—(1) No person shall enter or leave the premises–

(a)wearing clothes or boots which are visibly contaminated with mud, slurry, animal faeces, droppings, excretions or any similar matter; or

(b)without cleansing and disinfecting the outer surfaces of that person's footwear in accordance with the directions of an inspector.

(2) No person shall enter any part of the premises–

(a)in which an animal which is infected or suspected of being infected is being kept or has recently been kept; or

(b)in order to attend to or treat an animal,

unless wearing clothing and footwear approved by an inspector.

(3) No person shall leave any such part of the premises without having cleansed and disinfected that person's hands to the satisfaction of an inspector and having either–

(a)cleansed and disinfected that person's clothing and footwear to the satisfaction of an inspector; or

(b)removed such clothing and footwear for laundering, cleansing and disinfection or destruction as an inspector reasonably directs by notice served on that person.

(4) A notice under sub paragraph (3)(b) shall specify the required method of laundering, cleansing and disinfection or disposal.


9.—(1) The occupier shall provide and renew such clean water and means of disinfection as an inspector directs at every entrance to the premises and at every entrance to a building where susceptible animals are kept.

(2) The occupier shall ensure that any slurry or shed washings are disinfected in accordance with the directions of an inspector before they are permitted to drain or escape from any part of the premises where an infected animal or an animal suspected of being infected or contaminated is or has been kept.

Movement of vehicles on to or off the premisesS

10.  No person shall move any vehicle on to or off the premises unless the movement is–

(a)necessary for the provision of emergency services; or

(b)authorised by a licence granted by the Scottish Ministers specifying conditions necessary to minimise the risk of spread of the disease virus.

Movement of non-susceptible animalsS

11.  No person shall move from the premises any non-susceptible animal unless authorised to do so by a licence granted by the Scottish Ministers.

Control of rodentsS

12.  The occupier shall take steps to destroy any rats, mice and other rodents on the premises (other than pet rats, mice and other rodents) so far as this is possible.