Control of gatherings of people in a protection zone
15.—(1) No person shall hold or take part in the following activities in a protection zone–
(a)hunting any drag or other trail;
(b)falconry, except under the authority of a licence granted by the Scottish Ministers;
(c)point-to-point meetings;
(e)shooting game or other wildlife or deer, except that–
(i)the occupier of any land, members of the occupier’s household, persons employed by the occupier as beaters and any member of a shooting party of not more than three persons authorised by the occupier, may shoot game, other wildlife or deer found on that land;
(ii)a person may shoot birds under the authority of a licence granted by the Scottish Ministers; and
(iii)a person may cull deer under the authority of a licence granted by the Scottish Ministers.
(2) Where holding any recreational or sporting activity may, in the opinion of the Scottish Ministers, spread disease, they may prohibit it by serving notice on the person responsible for the activity.