SCHEDULE 6SMeasures applicable to a restricted zone

Control of products from slaughterhouses in a restricted zoneS

3.—(1) No person shall move any carcase or animal product (unless intended for human consumption) or any manure, slurry or used litter from a slaughterhouse in a restricted zone except–

(a)for disposal; or

(b)under the authority of a licence granted by an inspector (which shall include a condition prohibiting any intermediate movement to any premises keeping susceptible animals).

(2) Any person transporting any thing under the authority of a licence granted under sub paragraph (1)(b) shall–

(a)do so in a drip-proof container or vehicle, and

(b)cleanse and disinfect the vehicle, as soon as possible after unloading and in any event before re-use, in accordance with the directions of an inspector.

(3) The occupier of premises to which any carcase or animal product is moved under this paragraph shall ensure that it is not brought into contact with, or fed to, any susceptible animal.