PART 3The vaccination programme

Survey and classification of premises during phase 228


The Scottish Ministers shall ensure that during phase 2–


a clinical and serological survey of all premises in the vaccination zone keeping susceptible animals is carried out in accordance with the following method–


all susceptible animals in the vaccination zone are clinically inspected; and




testing for infection with the disease virus by an assay for antibodies against non-structural proteins of the disease virus is carried out on a selection of susceptible animals pursuant to a sampling protocol suitable to detect 5% prevalence with at least 95% level of confidence; or


testing for antibodies against non-structural proteins of the disease virus is carried out on samples from all vaccinated animals and their unvaccinated offspring; and


each premises in the vaccination zone where susceptible animals are kept is classified according to the outcome of the survey and the criteria in Schedule 3 of the Order–


as infected premises, where the premises contained at least one susceptible animal where the presence of the disease virus is confirmed;


as reactor premises, where the premises contained at least one susceptible animal suspected of being infected but where further testing including all susceptible animals on the premises confirmed the absence of circulating disease virus; or


as free of disease.


Where premises are classified as reactor premises under paragraph (1)(b)(ii), the Scottish Ministers shall serve a notice on the occupier declaring the premises to be reactor premises.


Where premises are classified as free of disease under paragraph (1)(b)(iii), the Scottish Ministers shall serve a notice on the occupier declaring the premises to be free of disease.