PART 2Powers of Slaughter
Preventive eradication programme8.
The Scottish Ministers may, where they consider appropriate on the basis of epidemiological information or other evidence, implement a preventive eradication programme of the disease.
As part of such a programme, the Scottish Ministers may cause to be slaughtered–
in exercise of their powers under Schedule 3, paragraph 3(1) of the Act, all cattle, sheep, goats, other ruminating animals and swine–
which are affected or suspected of being affected with the disease; or
which are or have been in the same field, shed, or other place, or in the same herd or flock, or otherwise in contact with animals affected with the disease, or which appear to the Scottish Ministers to have been in any way exposed to the disease;
any other susceptible animals likely to be contaminated with the disease virus; and
if they consider it necessary with a view to preventing the spread of the disease, susceptible animals from epidemiologically linked production units or adjoining premises.
Slaughter shall be carried out in such a way as to minimise the dispersal of disease virus.
Compensation shall be payable for any susceptible animal slaughtered under paragraph (2)(b) or (c) above as if that animal had been slaughtered under the powers conferred by Schedule 3, paragraph 3(1) of the Act.