PART II SComposition, labelling and records

Compliance noticesS

10.—(1) This regulation applies where the Scottish Ministers are of the opinion that a manufacturer is placing on the market fertiliser that does not comply with the Community Regulation but that manufacturer has not committed an offence under regulations 3 to 9.

(2) If the Scottish Ministers are of the opinion described in paragraph (1) they may serve a notice in writing on the manufacturer giving reasons why they are of that opinion and requiring that manufacturer to take such steps as are specified in the notice within such period (being not less than 14 days, except in an emergency) as is so specified.

(3) The steps referred to in paragraph (2) are those that the Scottish Ministers regard as appropriate to cause them to cease to be of the opinion referred to in paragraph (1).

(4) Any manufacturer who fails to comply with a notice served under paragraph (2) shall be guilty of an offence unless the notice has been withdrawn.