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PART 4 The Disposal and Burial of Unused On-Board Catering Supplies and Other Material
PART 7 Products Intended for Warehouses, Ships' Stores or Cross-Border Means of Sea Transport
PART I Provisions Common to Several Categories of Product
2.Commission Decision 2004/432/EC on the approval of residue monitoring plans...
3.Commission Decision 2005/34/EC laying down harmonised standards for the testing...
4.Commission Regulation (EC) No. 1881/2006 setting maximum levels for certain...
5.Council Regulation (EC) No. 733/2008 on the conditions governing imports...
6.Commission Regulation (EC) No. 1609/2000 establishing a list of products...
7.Regulation (EC) No. 470/2009 of the European Parliament and of...
9.Commission Decision 2007/453/EC establishing the BSE status of Member States...
10.Health certificates for imports of products of animal origin
11.Health certification for animal products from New Zealand
12.Animal and public health rules on imports of products of animal origin for human consumption
13.Regulation (EC) No. 178/2002 of the European Parliament and of...
14.Regulation (EC) No. 183/2005 of the European Parliament and of...
15.Regulation (EC) No. 396/2005 of the European Parliament and of...
16.Regulation (EC) No. 853/2004 of the European Parliament and of...
17.Regulation (EC) No. 854/2004 of the European Parliament and of...
18.Regulation (EC) No. 882/2004 of the European Parliament and of...
19.Commission Regulation (EC) No. 2073/2005 on microbiological criteria for foodstuffs....
20.Commission Regulation (EC) No. 2074/2005 laying down implementing measures for...
21.Commission Regulation (EC) No. 2075/2005 laying down specific rules on...
22.Commission Regulation (EC) No. 1162/2009 laying down transitional measures for...
PART II Fresh Meat of Bovine, Ovine and Caprine Animals and Swine
PART VIII Miscellaneous Products
2.Commission Regulation (EC) No. 798/2008 laying down a list of...
3.Third countries from which products covered by Council Directive 92/118/EEC may be imported
4.Third country establishments from which products covered by Council Directive 92/118/EEC may be imported
5.Commission Decision 99/120/EC drawing up provisional lists of third country...
6.Commission Decision 2001/396/EC amending Decision 97/467/EC drawing up provisional lists...
7.Commission Decision 2001/556/EC drawing up provisional lists of third country...
9.Commission Decision 2003/863/EC on health certificates for the importation of...
10.Commission Regulation (EC) No. 2074/2005 laying down implementing measures for...
11.Commission Regulation (EC) No. 798/2008 laying down a list of...
12.Commission Regulation (EC) No. 119/2009 laying down a list of...
14.Commission Regulation (EC) No. 878/2004 laying down transitional measures for...
15.Commission Decision 2004/407/EC on transitional sanitary and certification rules under...
16.Commission Regulation (EC) No. 2007/2006 implementing Regulation (EC) No. 1774/2002...
17.Regulation (EC) No. 1523/2007 of the European Parliament and of...
18.Hay and straw (third countries from which imports are permitted)
2.Council Directive 89/556/EEC on animal health conditions governing intra-Community trade...
3.Commission Decision 2008/155/EC establishing a list of embryo collection and...
4.Commission Decision 2004/639/EC laying down the importation conditions of semen...
5.Commission Decision 2006/168/EC establishing the animal health and veterinary certification...
7.Commission Decision 2008/636/EC establishing the list of third countries from...
8.Commission Decision 2009/893/EC on importation of semen of domestic animals...
10.Commission Decision 2008/635/EC on imports of semen, ova and embryos...
12.Commission Decision 96/539/EC on animal health requirements and veterinary certification...
13.Commission Decision 96/540/EC on animal health requirements and veterinary certification...
14.Commission Decision 2004/211/EC establishing the list of third countries and...
15.Commission Decision 2004/616/EC establishing the list of approved semen collection...
17.Commission Regulation (EC) No. 1251/2008 implementing Council Directive 2006/88/EC as...
2.Commission Regulation (EC) No. 1251/2008 implementing Council Directive 2006/88/EC as...
3.Commission Decision 2010/221/EU approving national measures for limiting the impact...
5.Commission Regulation (EC) No. 1251/2008 implementing Council Directive 2006/88/EC as...
6.Third countries from which fishery products may be imported
7.Commission Regulation (EC) No. 1162/2009 laying down transitional measures for...
8.Special import conditions for fishery products from the United States of America
1.Council Decision 1999/201/EEC on the conclusion of the Agreement between...
2.Council Decision 97/132/EC on the conclusion of the Agreement between...
3.Council Decision 2002/957/EC on the conclusion of an Agreement in...
4.Commission Decision 2003/56/EC (see paragraph 7 of Part I of...
5.Council and Commission Decision 2002/309/EC on the conclusion of an...
Calculation of Charges for Veterinary Checks
Provisions Where Due Diligence Defence is Available
Paragraph 4(4) of regulation 4 (Exemption for authorised products and...
Paragraphs (1) and (2) of regulation 16 (Prohibition of introduction...
Regulation 17 (Advance notice of introduction or presentation);
Paragraphs (1) and (2) of regulation 18 (Presentation of products...
Paragraph (1) of regulation 20 (Common veterinary entry document to...
Paragraph (2) of regulation 29 (Disposal of unused catering supplies);...
Paragraphs (3) and (4) of regulation 37 (Products transported under...
Paragraphs (2), (5) and (6) of regulation 38 (Transhipment of...
Paragraphs (2)(a) and (c) of regulation 42 (Movement of transit...
Paragraph (1) of regulation 45 (Additional information to be given...
Paragraph (3) of regulation 53 (Movement of returned products).