SCHEDULE 3Calculation of Charges for Veterinary Checks



For the purposes of this Schedule, “the actual cost”, in relation to veterinary checks carried out on a consignment at a border inspection post, means the aggregate of–


the proportion properly attributable to those veterinary checks of the cost of any items listed in paragraph 2 which relate partly to those veterinary checks; and


the full cost of any items listed in paragraph 2 which relate wholly to those veterinary checks.


The items referred to in paragraph 1 are the following–


the salaries and fees, together with overtime payments and employers' national insurance and superannuation contributions, of all staff directly involved in carrying out veterinary checks, and of all staff engaged in the management or administration of veterinary checks, at the border inspection post;


recruiting and training the staff referred to in item (a);


travel and related incidental expenses incurred in carrying out the veterinary checks, except where incurred by a person attending that person's normal place of work;


office accommodation, equipment and services for staff involved in carrying out veterinary checks at the border inspection post, including depreciation of office furniture and equipment and the cost of information technology, stationery and forms;


protective clothing and equipment used in carrying out the veterinary checks;


laundering the protective clothing referred to in item (e);


sampling, testing and analysing samples (except sampling and testing for the presence of salmonella in processed animal protein not intended for human consumption);


routine invoicing and collection of charges for veterinary checks at the border inspection posts; and


providing payroll and personnel services in connection with the employment of staff carrying out veterinary checks at the border inspection post.