
Approval to transport fresh fish before weighing

7.—(1) The buyer, the agent of the buyer or the holder of fish referred to in article 5(1) which are fresh may apply to a British sea fishery officer at the port of landing for approval to transport the fish before weighing in accordance with article 5.

(2) Any approval issued by a British sea fishery officer under paragraph (1) shall be subject to the conditions in paragraph (3).

(3) The conditions are–

(a)immediately prior to the vehicle in which the fish are being transported leaving the port of landing, the buyer or agent of the buyer or the holder of the fish shall provide to a British sea fishery officer at the port of landing a declaration which shall be in writing and dated and signed by the buyer or agent stating the–

(i)species of the fish;

(ii)name of the vessel from which the fish were landed;

(iii)identity number of the vehicle in which the fish are to be transported;

(iv)place where the fish are to be weighed; and

(v)estimated time of arrival of the vehicle at the place where the fish are to be weighed; and

(b)a copy of the declaration under sub-paragraph (a) shall be retained by the driver of the vehicle during transport of the fish and given to the receiver of the fish at the place where the fish are to be weighed.

(4) Where a person to whom an approval has been granted under paragraph (1) fails to comply with any of the conditions in paragraph (3), that person is guilty of an offence.